
Engaged in the production, accumulation, marketing, manufacturing, and processing of food resources and products, we are working to develop our global business base and provide safe and reliable foods to the world.

Business fields

Maintenance and improvement of assets at every stage of production and marketing from securing carbohydrate sources through processing and sales of finished products; Global marketing and logistics planning
Oils and fats
Investment and operation of assets, trading and logistics in the oilseed value chain of seed, oil milling and processed oils; Trading of staple foods such as rice, wheat and beans that support food culture; Specialty grains
Investment and operation of assets, trading and logistics in the feed value chain, including feed ingredients, compound feed, livestock and fishery products, plant proteins and animal proteins
Food and beverages
Investment and operation of assets, trading and logistics for fruit and vegetable processed goods, coffee, cocoa beans, tea, dairy products and other ingredients and products

Grain collection and export business (01:50)

Leading North American grain accumulation and export company United Grain. Streamlines the supply chain with competitive operations

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Major activities

Building a sustainable food supply system

The world’s population is expected to increase from 8.0 billion today to 9.7 billion by 2050. As the global economy develops and brings prosperity to more areas, we will see a wider gap between food supply and food demand, as well as regional unevenness in food resources. This makes the securing of stable food supply systems an extremely important issue. The Food Business Unit is responsible for delivering safe and secure food from around the world, sustainably and efficiently. We introduce new technologies into our business, and work on initiatives to make more effective use of food resources, develop value-added products from by-products, and achieve large-scale and environmentally friendly farming operations.

Responding to diverse consumer needs and preferences and enhancing the global food landscape

Consumer needs are diversifying, influenced by different factors worldwide, including an aging society and the advance of information technology. We will continue to create new business, carefully considering issues of safety and security, health and taste, while contributing to the affluence of people's lives, valuing different cultures, respecting human rights, and preserving the global environment.

Key projects

  • Production and marketing of sugar: Kaset Phol Sugar (Thailand)
  • Grain accumulation and export: United Grain Corp. (U.S.A.)
  • Broiler production and chicken processing: Pri Foods Co., Ltd. (Japan)
  • Tea ingredient manufacturing and marketing: Mitsui Norin Co., Ltd. (Japan)
  • Promotion of food open innovation: R&D center of the Food Business Unit (Japan, China)
360° business innovation

Working Together to Feed the World


  • Tea product manufacturing and sales business (02:15)

    Mitsui Norin offers "Nittoh Black Tea" and "Oriens" with rigor quality control from blending of tea leaves to marketing