Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report 2019

We publish our Sustainability Report with the aim of delivering an explicit message to our stakeholders that Mitsui & Co. commits to creating new values through a wide range of business activities, and contributes to societal and corporate sustainability.
As an annual report that complements the Integrated Report, our Sustainability Report 2019 emphasizes comprehensiveness and continuity, and provides detailed ESG information. Furthermore, in accordance with Mitsui & Co.’s Materiality, which was newly identified in April 2019, we associated such ESG information with the 17 goals and 169 targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reported our activities in line with the ESG factors. We also introduced actual examples of how we are generating new value that provides solutions to societal issues for each Materiality in the “Our Stories” pages.
Download split files
- P.1 Contents (PDF 218KB)
- P.2 Editorial Policy (PDF 97KB)
- P.3 Company (PDF 108KB)
- P.4 Message From the Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee (PDF 96KB)
- P.5 Corporate Mission Vision Values (PDF 96KB)
- P.6 Sustainability at Mitsui & Co. and the Management Framework (PDF 136KB)
- P.9 Interactive Communication with Mitsui & Co.'s Stakeholders (PDF 113KB)
- P.12 Participation in Initiatives (PDF 232KB)
- P.15 Mitsui & Co's Materiality (PDF 1.54KB)
- P.37 CCO Interview (PDF 127KB)
- P.38 Environment (PDF 1.33MB)
- P.39 Promoting the Environmental Management (PDF 372KB)
- P.45 Responding to Climate Change (PDF 238KB)
- P.48 Responding to Water Resource Problems (PDF 169KB)
- P.49 Resource Recycling Initiatives (PDF 169KB)
- P.50 Initiatives against Environmental Pollution (PDF 112KB)
- P.51 Environmental Performance Data (PDF 313KB)
- P.56 Reducing Impacts on Biodiversity, and Promoting the Conservation and Recovery of Ecosystems (PDF 173KB)
- P.57 Social (PDF 3.06MB)
- P.58 Sustainable Supply of Resources, Energy, Materials, Food and Products (PDF 196KB)
- P.60 Supplying Food and Products with Ensured Safety and Security (PDF 140KB)
- P.61 Enhancement of Quality of Life and Social Infrastructure (PDF 238KB)
- P.63 Responding to Health Needs and the Needs of an Aging Society (PDF 258KB)
- P.65 Responding to Increasingly Diverse Consumer Demand (PDF 160KB)
- P.66 Social Contribution Activities (PDF 1.31MB)
- P.75 Respect for Human Rights (PDF 120KB)
- P.76 Human Resources to Translate into Assets (PDF 104KB)
- P.77 Recruitment of Human Resources (PDF 105KB)
- P.78 Human Resources Development (PDF 302KB)
- P.81 Appropriate Appointment and Allocation of Personnel (PDF 245KB)
- P.83 Promoting Diversity&Inclusion (PDF 393KB)
- P.86 Creating an Environment in Which Every Individual Can Achieve Their Full Potential (PDF 293KB)
- P.91 Health Management, Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives (PDF 301KB)
- P.98 Creating New Value (PDF 161KB)
- P.100 Data of Personnel Affairs (PDF 302KB)
- P.104 Governance (PDF 715KB)
- P.105 Integrity and Compliance (PDF 317KB)
- P.110 Corporate Governance and Internal Controls (PDF 172KB)
- P.113 Risk Management (PDF 137KB)
- P.116 Promotion of Supply Chain Management (PDF 403KB)
- P.122 Evaluation by Society (PDF 126KB)
- P.124 Independent Practitioner’s Assurance Report (PDF 126KB)