Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report 2020
We publish our Sustainability Report with the aim of delivering an explicit message to our stakeholders that Mitsui & Co. commits to creating new values through a wide range of business activities, and contributes to societal and corporate sustainability. As an annual report that complements the Integrated Report, our Sustainability Report 2020 emphasizes comprehensiveness and continuity, and provides detailed environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. In accordance with Mitsui & Co.’s Materiality, which was revised in April 2019, the Sustainability Report 2020 reports on our activities in line with the ESG factors, and introduces our actual cases of value creation toward finding solutions to societal issues, as “Our Stories.” We set “Sustainability Management; Evolution of ESG” as one of the six corporate strategies for achieving the Medium-term Management Plan 2023— Transform and Grow, which we announced in May 2020. From the perspective of potential impact on our business and growing demand from society, we have identified climate change, circular economy, and business and human rights as three key issues which we prioritize in promoting initiatives. The Sustainability Report 2020 also provides our current initiatives on these three key issues.
Digest Version
In order to explain Mitsui’s sustainability management in a concise manner, a digest version (14pages in total) of the Sustainability Report has been prepared.
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Download split files
- P.1 Top Message (PDF 74KB)
- P.2 Contents (PDF 103KB)
- P.3 Editorial Policy (PDF 46KB)
- P.4 Message From the Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee (PDF 71KB)
- P.5 Corporate Mission, Vision, Values (PDF 85KB)
- P.6 Sustainability at Mitsui & Co. and the Management Framework (PDF 100KB)
- P.9 Mitsui & Co.'s Stakeholders (PDF 87KB)
- P.12 Participation in Initiatives (PDF 324KB)
- P.15 Mitsui & Co.'s Materiality (PDF 1.16MB)
- P.33-53 Environment (PDF 1.26MB)
- P.33 Environment—Executive Summary (PDF 152KB)
- P.34 Environmental Management (PDF 232KB)
- P.40 Climate Change (PDF 933KB)
- P.45 Water Resources (PDF 89KB)
- P.46 Circular Economy (PDF 41KB)
- P.47 Environmental Pollution (PDF 66KB)
- P.48 Biodiversity (PDF 61KB)
- P.49 Environmental Performance Data (PDF 64KB)
- P.54-104 Social (PDF 3.86MB)
- P.54 Social—Executive Summary (PDF 150KB)
- P.55 Sustainable Supply of Resources, Energy, Materials, Food and Products (PDF 96KB)
- P.56 Supplying Food and Products with Ensured Safety and Security (PDF 2532B)
- P.57 Enhancement of Quality of Life and Social Infrastructure (PDF 291KB)
- P.59 Healthcare and Aging Society (PDF 284KB)
- P.60 Increasingly Diverse Consumer Demand (PDF 199KB)
- P.61 Respect for Human Rights (PDF 95KB)
- P.65 Supply Chain Management (PDF 283KB)
- P.69 Creating New Value (PDF 205KB)
- P.70 Human Resources Management (PDF 1.28MB)
- P.99 Social Contribution Activities (PDF 1.35MB)
- P.105-115 Governance (PDF 314KB)
- P.105 Governance—Executive Summary (PDF 84KB)
- P.106 Integrity and Compliance (PDF 214KB)
- P.111 Corporate Governance and Internal Control (PDF 76KB)
- P.113 Risk Management (PDF 76KB)
- P.116 Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF 64KB)
- P.117 Material Issues of Mitsui & Co.'s Materiality in Association with Initiative Themes and the GRI Standards (PDF 39KB)
- P.118 Evaluation by Society (PDF 132KB)
- P.120 Independent Practitioner’s Assurance Report (PDF 237KB)