
Mitsui & Co.’s Materiality

Materiality Action Plans

Secure sustainable supply of essential products

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Segment Business unit Business field Response to issues Target
(assuming a date by 2030)
Actions and performance indices
for achieving the target
Current status/progress
Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral and metal resources development and recycling We will contribute to the stable supply of mineral and metal resources that support economic growth, society and industry. Improve the stable supply system by expanding mineral and metal resources and promoting recycling businesses.
  • Continue mining business development and improve cost competitiveness.
  • Improve the value chain of recycling businesses.
  • Equity share of iron ore production: approx. 61 million tons/year
  • Equity share of coking coal production: approx. 5.6 million tons/year
  • Equity share of copper production: approx. 115 thousand tons/year
  • Florence Copper, with whom we have an offtake contract with equity conversion rights, has obtained final approval from authorities and commenced construction of a commercial facility to produce low-carbon copper ingots in Arizona, US.
  • We have invested in Atlas Lithium Corporation, one of the largest lithium tenement holders in Brazil.
  • We have decided to invest in MTC Business Private Ltd., one of India's leading metal recycling companies.
Energy Energy I, Energy II Energy development We will contribute to the stable supply of sustainable energy. Build and enhance a stable energy production and supply portfolio that meets the expectations of customers and society. Maintain, expand and diversify energy supply by developing new projects and enhancing existing projects. We are promoting new energy development projects to meet the needs of consumers around the world. (LNG: 10 projects in 8 countries)

Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Centralized power generation/centralized RE/distributed power generation We will carry out business operations in consideration to the stable operation and reduction of environmental burdens, and contribute to local communities through sustainable and stable power supply optimized for each country or region.
  • Complete construction projects and commence commercial operations.
  • Improve operating rate and thermal efficiency.
  • Implement environmental burden reduction measures.
  • Expand our business base as a general energy company that meets diverse customer needs, including environmental and social aspects.
  • Continue to implement PDCA for progress monitoring of projects under construction and improvement of project quality.
  • Verification/demonstration/practice of environmental burden reduction measures.
  • Develop businesses in new countries/regions.
  • Acquire new projects by improving sales structure, promoting digital marketing, and expanding solutions.
  • Through 81 electric power projects (Net capacity 9.4GW) in 22 countries around the world, we are working on a stable power supply that supports people's lives (as of May 31, 2024).
  • In FY March 2023, one of the two Thailand gas-fired power plant projects in which we have invested was completed and is now in operation.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Resource infrastructure (onshore/offshore) business We will fulfill our social mission and social responsibility for the stable supply of resources while fully considering the impact of operations on the environment, and contribute to the sustainable growth of countries and regions.
  • Improve the supply capacity and efficiency of existing businesses.
  • Complete construction projects and commence commercial operations.
  • Steadily operate by utilizing DX.
  • Reduce environmental burdens.
  • Continue to implement PDCA to improve efficiency.
  • Implement measures to improve utilization rates and efficiency.
Off the coast of Brazil, we produce oil and gas by FPSOs which are jointly owned by MODEC. Going forward, we will continue to contribute to the stable supply of oil and gas in the global deep-sea oil and gas field areas, mainly off the coast of Brazil.
In FY March 2024, we began chartering 2 FPSOs.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Social environment infrastructure business We will contribute to the expansion of global logistics demand by developing, expanding and steadily operating our logistics bases. Expand logistics infrastructure and improve efficiency in the world's growing logistics market.
  • Improve the operating rate and create new added value using DX.
  • Continue to work on improving efficiency, including maintenance.
In our container terminal business in Indonesia, we have maintained the industry's highest level of operational efficiency.
We are promoting the expansion of DX functions to further improve efficiency, such as a paperless (online) fee payment process and optimization of truck transportation.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility I Passenger vehicle sales and leasing We will respond to growing demand for mobility, resource transportation, and passenger vehicles, where demand is expected to increase (especially in emerging countries).
  • Expand sales and leasing system through our global network partners.
  • Supply vehicles that contribute to sales volume as well as sustainable growth and a reduction in environmental impact.
  • Make more extensive efforts with global partners in each area.
  • Sales volume (especially that of environmentally friendly vehicles), number of leases, sales area.
In addition to sales in Chile, Peru, Brazil, The Philippines, etc., where demand for passenger and transportation vehicles is expanding with economic growth, we have begun working on a leasing business.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility I Industrial and Manufacturing Solutions We will realize sustainable and stable manufacturing and supply of high-performance machine tools including surface grinding machines and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, for which global demand expansion is expected. Along with our partner, who has world-leading-edge technology and manufacturing capabilities (Monozukuri), we manufacture and supply high-performance machine tools and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
  • With the global network of Mitsui and its group companies, we support our partners to strengthen their global sales foundation and customer base.
  • We promote human resource development and the strengthening of corporate functions, contributing to the enhancement of our partners' corporate value.
We have entered a capital and business alliance with Okamoto Machine Tool Works, Ltd. (Japan), aiming to further accelerate growth by effectively utilizing both companies' management resources and expertise.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility I Mining equipment sales and maintenance services We will contribute to the stable operation of equipment in mining industries, which is indispensable for the development of society. Provide solutions to the mining sector by leveraging our mining equipment sales and repair service business.
  • We will strengthen and expand the integrated sales and customer support system.
  • We will provide solutions that contribute to improving operational efficiency in mines.
We operate a mining equipment sales and maintenance service business in Peru, one of the world's leading copper producers. We have expanded our product range in 2023 through our investment in a sales company specializing in ultra-large rope shovels for open pit mines and other equipment.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility II Shipping We will provide high-quality, environmentally friendly, competitive ships and services to meet the ever-expanding demand for marine transportation as the world economy grows. Use DX to select the optimal shipping routes to save fuel and use new technologies such as new kinds of fuels to help reduce the environmental burden of shipping and enable sustainable growth of maritime industries. Increase our efforts with global partners in each area of the world (shipyards, shipowners, shipowners). Showcase initiatives for utilizing the technological capabilities of Japanese manufacturers. With emission reduction in the shipping industry becoming a global issue, in April 2021 we became a strategic partner of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS), a not-for-profit international research and development center dedicated to the decarbonization of the shipping industry. From May 2022, we dispatched a secondee to work with other partners to solve technical and commercial issues in the use of low-carbon fuels for marine vessels.
Chemicals Basic Materials Covering all business areas of the Business Unit
(Gas Chemicals Business/Basic Chemicals Business/Performance monomer/Tank Terminal Business)
We will achieve a sustainable society by supporting the steady supply of basic materials and industrial infrastructure. Solidify the production supply system through capacity expansion in the salt and methanol production businesses and tank terminal business, and expansion of trading by expanding logistics. Manage milestone of each project and expand trading based on trends in the oil-to-chemicals businesses. While geopolitical risks continue to rise and uncertainty in the global economy remains, our trading function has made it possible for us to connect supply chains and give them some spare capacity. We will continue to strengthen the foundations for a stable supply and demonstrate our functions for doing so.
Chemicals Chemicals Segment Compliance We will build a sustainable supply system in our management of chemical products by maintaining a compliance system and improving quality. Promote a legal compliance system for hazardous chemical substances, improve quality, give employee training for product safety, and participate in initiatives.
  • Provide opportunities for employee training and improve product quality.
  • Update, thoroughly understand, notify, and label hazard information and legal information on chemical substances.
  • Expand specialized human resources for chemical substance management.
We have updated legal information related to chemical substance management to protect the global environment through chemical substance management which is an important trade compliance along with security trade control. We regularly conduct training in the laws relating to chemical substance management to all Mitsui & Co. and group companies that handle chemical substances.
Chemicals Performance Materials Detergent raw materials, oleochemical business We will contribute to the stable supplies in the detergent raw materials and oleochemical business areas. Establish stable supply systems. Expand manufacturing and stabilize production.
  • We are supporting detergent raw material production in Thailand and marketing it globally.
  • We are supporting oleochemical production in Malaysia and China, and marketing it globally.
Chemicals Performance Materials Manufacturing and distribution We will work to procure and provide safe and secure products to achieve a sustainable society through environmental protection. Disseminate our sustainable supply chain policy throughout our supply chain.
  1. Monitor the implementation status of each individual procurement policy.
  2. Aim to secure (1) 100% traceability of the natural rubber we handle (2) 100% of lumber and woodchip for paper products handled to be certified by internationally recognized forest certification bodies, or of an equivalent standard, (3) 100% traceability of pulp, paper and paperboard to legal raw materials, all by 2030.
  1. We have formulated individual procurement policies for timber, paper products and natural rubber, which we recognize as products which are required to be in line with the protection of the natural environment when effectively utilizing forest resources.
  2. (1) 100%
    (2) Lumber*1: 0%*2, Woodchips for paper products*1: 100%
    (3) Paper Products*3: 100%

*1 Lumber and woodchips for paper products that are handled by suppliers who are certified by internationally recognized forest certification bodies including FSC®, PEFC, etc., or that are recognized by certification bodies as controlled materials
*2 Due to the FSC®, the certifying body, suspension the certification of lumber from certain countries of origin. In April 2024, we discontinued new orders for such lumber, and existing orders was completed in June 2024.
*3 Pulp derived from wood that has been certified by FSC® or other internationally recognized forest certification bodies, or that has been managed in accordance with the guidelines of our procurement policy for paper products

Chemicals Nutrition & Agriculture Agri-science business/Agri-solution business We will achieve sustainable agricultural production through science. Achieve a reduction of environmental burden and agricultural productivity improvement by developing and disseminating agricultural technology.
  • Achieve a reduction of environmental burden and agricultural productivity improvement by developing and disseminating agricultural technology.
  • Develop and disseminate bio-pesticides made from fungi and natural extracts, to reduce the environmental burden and help achieve agricultural production in harmony with the environment.
  • Use soil analysis to help optimize the amount of chemical fertilizer applied and promote the spread of bio-stimulants.
  • Improve the agricultural material supply base in Africa.
  • Establish Ag-tech businesses.
  • We are promoting "IPM" (Integrated Pest Management), which combines biological pesticides and chemical pesticides, to help establish highly productive and sustainable agricultural systems.
  • We are developing a comprehensive agricultural material distribution business, mainly in Latin America.
  • Through the ETG company we are supplying agricultural materials in Africa.
  • We have invested in a controlled environment agriculture (CEA) business and are running a pilot project producing and selling crops in Saudi Arabia.
  • We are working on a sustainable vegetable supply through a vegetable seed R&D business.
Chemicals Nutrition & Agriculture Animal solutions business We will achieve sustainable agricultural production through science. Achieve a reduction of the environmental burden of livestock, and an improvement of productivity by developing and popularizing feed additives/veterinary drugs/vaccines.
  • Achieve efficient growth of livestock and a reduction of environmental emissions through establishment of a Gut Health (improvement of intestinal flora of livestock) business.
  • Improve livestock productivity and achieve animal welfare through the spread of vaccines and veterinary drugs.
  • We are promoting business reform in Novus, a company in which we have invested, to establish a Gut Health business.
  • We have invested in an Animal Health product manufacturing and sales operations in Japan and Brazil.
  • We have entered into the animal genetics business. We are pursuing synergies with existing businesses such as animal nutrition and animal health.
Chemicals Nutrition & Agriculture Agri-solution business We will achieve sustainable agricultural production through science. Achieve a stable supply for the chemical and agriculture industry and stable operation of refineries. Expand logistics functions of Sulphur and Suphuric acids business We are strengthening and promoting the global expansion of the sulphur and sulphuric acid logistics functions of our subsidiaries Dai-ichi Tanker and Aglobis, including vessels, tank lorries, and tank terminals.
Iron & Steel Products Iron & Steel Products GHG reduction promotion in product LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) We will work to build supply chains from the perspective of LCA, for global decarbonization. Together with partners in Japan and overseas, contribute to GHG reduction across the entire supply chain. In product LCA develop projects to help in GHG reduction. In collaboration with SuMPO (Sustainable Management Promotion Organization) which is Japan's only ISO-based carbon footprint certification body, we offer LCA Plus, a platform that enables the visualization of product LCA throughout the supply chain.
Lifestyle Food Trading We will contribute to the safe and secure procurement of food, and a sustainable and stable food supply. Thoroughly disseminate our sustainable supply chain policy and, if necessary, formulate individual procurement policies and goals based on this policy, and aim to achieve them.
  1. Monitor the implementation status of each Procurement Policy for Specific Commodities.
  2. Aim to ensure that 100% of palm oil is traceable to mill level* by 2022.
  3. Aim to secure 100% traceability of natural rubber we handle by 2030.

* Mitsui's mill list

  1. We have created an individual procurement policy for palm oil, which is recognized as a product that has a significant environmental and social impact.
  2. 100%
  3. 18.6%
Lifestyle Retail Retail distribution of food products and daily commodities We will contribute to the safe and secure procurement of food products and daily commodities, and a sustainable and stable supply.
  1. Thoroughly disseminate our sustainable supply chain policy and, if necessary, formulate individual procurement policies and goals based on this policy, and aim to achieve them.
  2. Pursuing the enhancement and sophistication of the distribution of food products and daily commodities.
  1. Monitor the implementation status of each Procurement Policy for Specific Commodities.
  2. Realize a stable supply of goods and services through logistics optimization, and leverage DX to enhance procurement functions and achieve further sophistication of product development operations.
  1. We have implemented controls including creating individual procurement policies for palm oil and paper which are recognized as products that have a significant environmental and social impact.
  2. We merged five companies responsible for intermediary distribution for Mitsui to form a new company, Mitsui & Co. Retail Group, Ltd., on April 1, 2024. We are currently working to improve delivery efficiency, etc.
Lifestyle Wellness Contract food services Based on the promotion of health management to curb domestic medical expenses and the growing awareness of people's health, we will help people to achieve a level of health in line with their life stage, by providing a stable supply of food that will support physical and mental wellbeing. Achieve a stable supply of safe and secure food with consideration for reduction of food loss, sustainability and traceability.
  • Actively use foods that take sustainability into consideration.
  • Increase efforts to achieve local production for local consumption, to improve supply capacity.
  • Reduce food waste by supplying cooking plans for high-quality, traceable food.
AIM Services, a subsidiary, implemented the following initiatives.
  • In 2018, we obtained MSC/ASC CoC certification*, the first for a food supply business in Japan. We also provide sustainable fishery products (sustainable seafood) at some facilities.
  • We were the first in the contract food service industry in Japan to offer menus using environmentally friendly land-based aquacultured shrimp called "Yuki Ebi".
  • We are implementing local production for local consumption in collaboration with Miyazaki, Miyagi, Akita and Iwate prefectures to utilize ingredients that will lead to regional economic development.
  • We are conducting food procurement and menu planning to control food loss using AIM Services' original menu planning system.

  • * MSC certification is a certification system for sustainable fisheries that is properly managed in consideration of fishery resources and the environment. ASC certification certifies aquaculture which is approved by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council and minimizes the environmental and social burden. MSC/ASC CoC certification ensures that these certified fish products are properly managed and traceable in all processes of manufacturing, processing and distribution.

Enhance quality of life

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Segment Business unit Business field Response to issues Target
(assuming a date by 2030)
Actions and performance indices
for achieving the target
Current status/progress
Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral and metal resources business development We will contribute to the stabilization and development of local economies through sustainable resource development that takes local communities into consideration. Cooperate with our project partners and the local communities, contribute to the development of national and local economies. Conduct sustainable development by monitoring legal systems and continuing dialogue with project partners and local communities.
  • We are continuing dialogue with local governments, project partners and local communities.
  • In the iron ore business in western Australia that we are promoting with our JV partner, the JV is working to ensure the protection of indigenous people's culture and heritage, including carrying out prior consultation with indigenous people's groups in advance of mining operation.
Energy Energy I, Energy II Energy development We will contribute to regional economic development through the promotion of our development projects. Through collaboration with local governments and communities, contribute to the development of national and regional economies associated with our development projects. Develop new regional infrastructure, create communities, and create local employment. We are working on infrastructure development based on the demands and potential needs of each country/region, and the creation of communities.
Energy Energy I, Energy II Energy supply Through the supply of relatively clean and competitive energy (gas, LNG), we will assist in the development of local economies and gradual energy transitions. Supply energy that supports the sustainable economic development of each country. Provide stable LNG supply, and supply and demand adjustment functions by strengthening portfolio and logistics functions. We are working to expand our portfolio to strengthen our supply of LNG, which has a relatively low environmental impact, to contribute to energy transitions around the world.

Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Centralized power generation/ Resource infrastructure business/ Social environment infrastructure business We contribute to the development and construction of power plants, resource infrastructure, and social environment infrastructure that are essential for today's world. Global development of infrastructure projects in the areas of power, resource infrastructure, and social environment infrastructure.
  • Power generation
  • Gas distribution
  • Water and wastewater projects
  • Through 81 electric power projects (Net capacity 9.4GW) in 22 countries around the world, we are working on a stable power supply that supports people's lives (as of May 31, 2024).
  • Gas distribution business: Through Mitsui Gas in Brazil, we provide gas distribution services to more than 650,000 customers in Brazil.
  • Through MITinfra in Mexico, we are helping to improve the living environment of local residents, solve water resource shortages, and achieve sustainable corporate activities through the water and sewage treatment business and wastewater treatment business for industrial customers. We are also considering and promoting new initiatives.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Centralized renewable energy/distributed power generation We will contribute to improve living standards in developing and emerging countries through our efforts in the distributed power generation business. Provide sustainable and clean power generation centered on solar power in India and sub-Saharan Africa's non-electrified areas. Particularly in India, aim to supply electricity to 1.2 million people through OMC Power, and to expand to Africa and other countries. Build a sustainable mini-grid business model centered on India and OMC Power. OMC Power is a leader in the distributed mini-grid business in India. In rural areas of India, where power supply is unstable, OMC Power combines solar power generation and storage batteries to provide stable, environmentally friendly, locally produced and consumed power to cell phone base stations, stores, and local communities.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects General power/new areas/services We will work on infrastructure to solve social problems such as food supply, financial services, health promotion, population growth, urbanization, and digitization.
  • Expand production of crops in Africa and improve the quality of life for small-scale African farmers.
  • Establish a sustainable supply chain for agricultural products using DX.
  • Develop high-capacity communication lines.
  • Promote demonstration projects that aim to create SDG premiums by visualizing social and environmental impacts in the production process of African agricultural products, and ensuring traceability through supply chains.
  • Commercialize the establishment of a sustainable supply chain for agricultural products using DX (after assessing their feasibility).
  • Lay and operate international submarine communication cable systems.
  • We are engaged in an initiative to collect data on African agricultural products, and use that data to deliver global customers final products that come with the stories behind them, with the aim of generating value in that data and returning it to the farmers, thereby promoting the expansion of sustainable agriculture production. We are currently working on a pilot project for cotton in Zambia. In the future, we aim to expand the project to other agricultural products such as coffee and cacao.
  • We are currently working with NTT Group and JA Mitsui Leasing on the installation, operation and sale of a new submarine cable system between Japan and the US.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility I Transportation infrastructure We will contribute to the sustainable growth of emerging countries through the development and expansion of transportation and infrastructure for daily life. Contribute to the sustainable growth of emerging countries through local employment and improvement of local living standards after completion of construction accompanying our transportation infrastructure operations. Promote projects through dialogue and harmony with local communities.
Strengthen supply chain management when ordering project materials and equipment.
We are working on a project to build a dedicated freight rail line to enhance freight transport capacity between Delhi and Mumbai, India's largest industrial zone.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility II Shipping We will provide high-quality, environmentally friendly, competitive ships and services to meet the ever-expanding demand for marine transportation as the world economy grows. Use DX to select the optimal shipping routes to save fuel and use new technologies such as new kinds of fuels to help reduce the environmental burden of shipping and enable sustainable growth of maritime industries. Increase our efforts with global partners in each area of the world (shipyards, shipowners, shipowners). Showcase initiatives for utilizing the technological capabilities of Japanese manufacturers. With emission reduction in the shipping industry becoming a global issue, in April 2021 we became a strategic partner of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS), a not-for-profit international research and development center dedicated to the decarbonization of the shipping industry. From May 2022, we dispatched a secondee to work with other partners to solve technical and commercial issues in the use of low-carbon fuels for marine vessels.
Chemicals Basic Materials Performance monomer We will contribute to improve the world's QOL by demonstrating our material design capabilities. Establish new businesses and new business groups in the specialty chemical field, as one part of the growth driver of our Basic Materials Business Unit. Promote business strategies and manage milestones for materials-related businesses such as high-performance resin raw materials and coatings, as well as cosmetics and pharmaceutical raw materials. We are expanding our business development in each area by leveraging our deepening partnerships with Honshu Chemical Industry, Kansai Paint and others.
Chemicals Performance Materials Consumer products business Through our consumer products business (personal care products, hygiene products, cosmetics, etc.) we will improve quality of life. Procure products and raw materials based on consumer needs. Conduct development and marketing in this field. Develop products utilizing unique Japanese technologies and execute overseas activities with deep market analysis and digital marketing approach.
  • We are promoting new high-quality skincare products for US. consumers.
  • We are establishing a business base aimed to promote high-quality skincare products in Brazil.
Chemicals Nutrition & Agriculture Wellness business We will respond to the increasing added value of food and health needs as the middle class grows and the population ages through science. Establish a business base that responds to wellness, mainly in Japan and Asia.
  • Establish a food science business base in the Japanese and Asian markets.
  • Establish a business base to provide pre-illness solutions to consumers in Asian markets through the provision of traditional Chinese medicine and high value-added supplements.
  • We are enhancing and promoting the expansion of our subsidiary BFS (Bussan Food Science) and Soda Aromatic Co., Ltd., our investee, into Asia.
  • We have invested in a business engaged in the manufacturing and sales of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore, we are expanding into the wellness field in Asian markets.
Iron & Steel Products Iron & Steel Products General infrastructure maintenance We will contribute to lengthen the service life of existing infrastructure. In collaboration with partners who possess high technological abilities, contribute to spread the preventive maintenance business that uses excellent maintenance technology throughout the world, to build environmentally friendly infrastructure. Expand services, products, and areas provided for in the general infrastructure maintenance business.
  • We are currently promoting our infrastructure maintenance business through SHO-BOND & MIT Infrastructure Maintenance Corporation and Structural Technologies, LLC.. We will extend the life of infrastructure through preventive maintenance such as repair and reinforcement.
  • We are operating a pipeline maintenance business through STATS (UK) Ltd. which manufactures pipeline repair equipment and provides engineering services.
Iron & Steel Products Iron & Steel Products Structural steel production We will contribute to the construction of environmentally friendly infrastructure in emerging markets. Create a recycling network through the recycling and production of environmentally friendly materials. Use new sources of energy, set up production and supply systems that have a low environmental burden, and expand the supply areas in Asia for products that are environmentally friendly. As an initiative in the electric furnace business that can reuse iron scrap to produce steel, we have invested (20% ownership) in Thai electric arc furnace steel manufacturer/Siam Yamato Steel.
Lifestyle Food Trading We will further strengthen our efforts to eradicate child labor and respect human rights in our supply chains.
  • Make our Sustainable Supply Chain Policy gets through to our suppliers.
  • Hold regular dialogue through supplier questionnaires and on-site inspections.
Report the completion of sending the policy to all suppliers of our business units and consolidated subsidiaries and disclose monitoring implementation status. We have sent the policy to all suppliers of our business unit and consolidated subsidiaries. In addition, some suppliers have been sent supplier questionnaires, and we have conducted on-site inspections and other human rights due diligence.
Lifestyle Retail Fashion/textiles We will carefully consider the environment and human rights throughout the business value chain in this area, and are improve the value and reliability of the entire value chain. Disseminate our Sustainable Supply Chain Policy and raise awareness for the environment and human rights in our business supply chain.
  • Send our Sustainable Supply Chain Policy to all suppliers and make them aware of it.
  • Work hard to improve the traceability of the products we handle.
Our Sustainable Supply Chain Policy has been sent to all suppliers and been made known.
Lifestyle Wellness Hospital/clinic business To meet the rapidly increasing demand for medical care in countries centered on Asia, against a backdrop of population growth, expansion of middle-income group, aging population, changes in disease patterns, etc., we will strive to improve people's health through improved access to medical care. By achieving value-based healthcare*, we will contribute to the sustainable development of the medical system.

* In value-based healthcare, each stakeholder aims to maximize outcomes and optimize costs to provide high-value medical care to patients.

Improve access to quality medical care in countries centered on Asia, and achieve Value-Based Healthcare.
  • Introduce digital technology and AI to improve medical access and efficiently allocate medical resources.
  • Rationalize group-wide procurement to help control medical costs and improve operational efficiency.
  • Leveraging data associated with the patient journey to optimize outcomes that are cost-effective and improve patient satisfaction.
  • IHH Healthcare (IHH), an affiliate company, operates approximately 81 hospitals with over 16,500 beds in 10 countries around the world, with a focus on Asia.

IHH implemented the following initiatives.
  • Partial cost reductions have begun to be realized by rationalizing procurement across the group.
  • In Singapore and Malaysia, launched MyHealth 360, a smartphone app that allows patients to make appointments, view test results, and access online medical care.
Innovation & Corporate Development IT & Communication IT Service and Cyber Security We will contribute to the creation of prosperous and safe lifestyles through the utilization of ICT in fields such as DX and cybersecurity. Expand existing businesses, including realizing DX for customer companies and providing cybersecurity services. Expand the scale of business and create new businesses.
  • Through Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. (MKI), a subsidiary, we are providing consulting, building, and operation services for IT systems, data center and cloud services, and the sale of IoT devices and manufacturing equipment.
  • Through our wholly owned subsidiary Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc. (MBSD), we have been providing advanced cybersecurity services, including security assessments, consulting, and managed services, for over two decades. In 2023, we expanded our global cybersecurity presence by making a strategic investment in LGMS, a leading cybersecurity service provider in Malaysia, and subsequently affiliating with Redpoint Cybersecurity LLC in the USA in 2024.
Innovation & Corporate Development IT & Communication Healthcare utilizing DX We will contribute to the creation of prosperous and safe lifestyles through healthcare IT business. Provide advanced healthcare IT services by expanding current businesses. Expand the scale of business and create new businesses.
  • iMedical, an affiliate company, operates a remote imaging diagnosis business where specialists remotely interpret and diagnose medical images for primary care physicians.
  • north star Co., Ltd., an affiliate company in which we invested in February 2021, operates "Kids Doctor", which offers pediatric health consultation services, and appointment services of online diagnosis and home visit.
  • Xeureka Inc., a subsidiary of the Company established in November 2021, provides AI drug discovery support services and conducts drug discovery R&D through joint research. Following the March 2023 announcement of the "Tokyo-1" project, which aims for a comprehensive transformation of the healthcare industry centered on drug discovery, in collaboration with NVIDIA, a leading US supercomputer company, the project began full-scale operations in February 2024. As a Mitsui subsidiary, Xeureka will be responsible for the practical operation of the project.
  • Innoxia Inc., also a subsidiary of the Company, established in November 2021, is engaged in business providing various Medical DX solutions to medical institutions, mainly hospitals.
Innovation & Corporate Development Corporate Development Real Estate asset management We will provide solutions for longstanding social issues in the US, where the aging and nuclearization of society is reaching an advanced stage, through the ownership and operation of senior living properties. Raise awareness of our senior living properties as an option for US seniors to spend an enriching old age and contribute to build pleasant regional communities.
  • Continue to raise the quality of the main business' services and properties.
  • Increase the scale of the business and work together with various partners to develop properties that offer high added value.
  • We have advanced a senior living properties business for over 30 years, particularly in the west of the US. We currently manage 39 properties offering around 4,300 rooms.
  • We are aiming to attract large amounts of pro-social investment from the capital markets through JV projects with Japanese investors, and the creation of private placement funds so that we can operate excellent assets and provide high-quality services.

Create an eco-friendly society

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Segment Business unit Business field Response to issues Target
(assuming a date by 2030)
Actions and performance indices
for achieving the target
Current status/progress
Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral and metal resources business development We will contribute to the achievement of a society that is in harmony with the environment by supplying mineral and metal resources that support a decarbonized society and by reducing environmental burdens in the resource industry. Promote businesses to reduce environmental impact, including greenhouse gas reduction.
  • Contribute (from the raw materials side) to the low carbonization of the steel industry, and build value chains.
  • Develop copper and battery raw materials that are required for EVs and electrification, and build value chains.
  • Take low-carbon-emitting initiatives in mining operations.
  • Together with Kobe Steel, we are promoting a full-scale study of low-carbon iron sources and low-carbon iron-making in the Duqm Special Economic Zone in the Sultanate of Oman.
  • We are promoting technology development through our investment in Binding Solutions Ltd. of the UK, which has iron ore cold agglomeration technology (that reduces emissions from the calcination process).
  • We are collaborating with partners to reduce Scope 1/2 GHG emissions (exhaust gas from mining equipment, accompanying methane gas, etc.) from metallurgical coal business.
  • We are promoting seawater desalination and water recycling in our copper mine business in Chile.
Mineral & Metal Resources Mineral & Metal Resources Environmental measures/metal and battery recycling businesses We will contribute to achieve a circular economy through our metal and battery recycling businesses. Expand our metal and battery recycling businesses that contribute to the promotion of a circular economy. Promote and expand metal and battery recycling business.
  • We are promoting scrap metal businesses with subsidiaries and investment portfolio companies (Mitsui Bussan Metals, MM&Kenzai, Sims, MTC, etc.) in Japan and globally.
  • We are promoting reuse and recycling business for EV waste battery cells and packs. We established a new joint venture J-Cycle Inc., and expect to commence operations of a battery recycling plant in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.
  • We are accelerating the promotion of the secondary aluminum alloy business through our investment in ALCOM Holdings in China.
Energy Energy Segment Energy solutions We will contribute to the achievement of a decarbonized society by utilizing our accumulated knowledge inside and outside our Company in our business domains.
  • Support our Company and our partners for their effort on Net zero emissions by providing comprehensive energy solutions that combine technologies and businesses such as distributed renewable energy, storage batteries, next-generation fuels, and emissions trading.
  • Thoroughly disseminate our sustainable supply chain policy and, if necessary, formulate individual procurement policies and goals based on this policy, and aim to achieve them.
  • Work in various business fields with excellent partners who possess a high degree of technical ability and a wealth of knowledge. Provide innovative solutions that utilize our comprehensive strengths.
  • Monitor the implementation status of individual procurement policies.
We participate in and promote distributed renewable energy, energy management business, carbon-free LNG/biofuel/next-generation fuel supply, and CO2 Capture and Storage ("CCS") businesses. Our main projects are listed below.

Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Centralized RE/distributed power generation We will construct, develop, and operate an RE power supply that can help reduce GHG emissions through decarbonization. Achieve an RE ratio of 30%.
  • Construct new domestic and overseas RE power sources (offshore wind power, centralized large-scale solar power, distributed solar power, DSO, etc.).
  • Steadily operate RE power sources in Japan and overseas.
  • Provide RE peripheral business provision.
  • In April 2022, we invested in Mainstream Renewable Power Limited, a leading renewable energy operator engaged in onshore and offshore wind and solar power projects mainly in Latin America and Africa.
  • In September 2023, we made a final investment decision for the Hai Long offshore wind power project in Taiwan.
  • In December 2023, we were selected as part of a consortium to deliver an offshore wind project off the coast of the cities of Murakami and Tainai, Niigata Prefecture.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects Social environment infrastructure business We will solve water problems and contribute to the sustainable growth of society through water production and water and sewage treatment.
  • Improve the efficiency of existing water and sewage treatment businesses.
  • Stably operate water production business.
  • Acquire new water-related businesses.
  • Construct water production projects in the Middle East.
  • Steadily operate water and sewage treatment business in the Americas and the acquisition of new projects.
  • Completion of water production projects in the Americas, and the commencement of operations.
Through MITinfra in Mexico, we are helping to improve the living environment of local residents, solve water resource shortages, and achieve sustainable corporate activities through the water and sewage treatment business and wastewater treatment business for industrial customers. We are also considering and promoting new initiatives.
Machinery & Infrastructure Infrastructure Projects General power/new areas/services We will provide and utilize decarbonized and environment-related products in initiatives for decarbonization and carbon neutrality in new business areas, mobility, and other business areas such as steelmaking, chemicals, and food, thereby contributing to decarbonization and carbon neutrality in the world. Promote and expand our decarbonization efforts utilizing our comprehensive strengths.
  • Promote the construction and operation of equipment that meets the LEED Platinum certification standard, and contribute to urban development in harmony with the environment.
  • Correctly understand customer demand in next-generation domains. Discover new products and services, conduct verification tests, and subsequently roll out mass production.
  • District cooling equipment and distributed facilities have been constructed and we have gradually begun launching services in the One Bangkok district cooling and distribution business.
  • We are pursuing entry opportunities for infrastructure construction related to decarbonization.
  • Focusing on areas surrounding our existing businesses, we will promote the development of new traders in overseas markets such as Europe, as we seek to discover new products.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility I Manufacture and sale of EV/FCV buses We will work to popularize transportation vehicles that have a low environmental impact and that can contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society. Establish a service provision system for low environmental impact transportation vehicles such as EVs and FCVs.
  • Expand the lineup of low environmental impact products handled.
  • Together with new and existing partners, promote efforts that can help to achieve decarbonized societies.
  • Caetano Bus, S.A., a Portuguese bus manufacturing and sales company in which we have invested, manufactures and sells EV buses that have a low environmental impact. We are also involved in the delivery of FC buses to municipalities in European countries and the conversion of airport vehicles to ZEVs.
  • Pinnacle Mobility (EKA) in India, in which we invested in 2023, contributes to the spread of EVs through the manufacture and sales of e-buses and electric light commercial vehicles, as part of the Indian government's efforts to address the serious air pollution problem.
Machinery & Infrastructure Mobility II Shipping We will provide high-quality, environmentally friendly, competitive ships and services to meet the ever-expanding demand for marine transportation as the world economy grows.
  • Use DX to select the optimal shipping routes to save fuel and use new technologies such as new kinds of fuels to help reduce the environmental burden of shipping and enable sustainable growth of maritime industries.
  • Promote the use of new kinds of next-generation fuels and contribute to society's overall efforts to achieve decarbonization.
  • Reduce the impact on marine ecosystems by reducing the environmental burden of ship operations.
  • Contribute to a 20-30%* GHG reduction in the maritime industry through fuel transition and improved fuel efficiency
  • Increase our efforts with global partners in each area of the world (shipyards, shipowners, shipowners). Showcase initiatives for utilizing the technological capabilities of Japanese manufacturers.
  • Promote the use of new kinds of next-generation fuels in newly ordered vessels.
  • Increase in the number of vessels that reduce environmental load.

*Target for 2030 determined by IMO (International Maritime Organization)

  • With emission reduction in the shipping industry becoming a global issue, in April 2021 we became a strategic partner of the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping (MMMCZCS), a not-for-profit international research and development center dedicated to the decarbonization of the shipping industry. From May 2022, we dispatched a secondee to work with other partners to solve technical and commercial issues in the use of low-carbon fuels for marine vessels.
  • We are promoting the development of ship types equipped with main engines fueled by methanol, which reduces CO2 emissions, or ammonia, which does not emit CO2 when burned.
  • We are promoting the installation of ballast water treatment equipment on ships in response to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Ballast Water Management Convention to avoid adverse effects on marine ecosystems caused by the transboundary movement of marine organisms contained in ballast water, which is necessary when cargo is transported by ship.
  • In the ship trading and ownership business, we are working to replace a generation of ships by increasing orders for ships that will lead to a significant reduction in SOx and NOx emissions.
  • To accelerate the application of methanol as a maritime fuel, we participated in preparations for the first ship-to-ship bunkering operation* of Green Methanol in the port of Singapore. This operation, conducted in July 2023, involved bunkering the dual fuel feeder container ship owned by Danish integrated logistics company A.P. Moller - Maersk, together with the like-minded project partners.

* Fuel supply from ship to ship by laying alongside a bunker ship

Chemicals Basic Materials Covering all business areas of the Business Unit
(Gas Chemicals Business/Basic Chemicals Business/Performance monomer/Tank Terminal Business)
We will realize a decarbonized society and a circular economy. Create business and strengthen initiatives in the areas of emission management and recycling. Work on manufacture and sale of low-carbon products. Develop fuel ammonia and various recycling businesses.
  • Develop a variety of low-carbon methanol and ammonia projects.
  • Started production of recycled PET resin in the PET bottle recycling business (25,000MT/year).
  • Produce bio-methanol at Fairway.
  • Shift to high-performance ship bottom antifouling paint which helps improve fuel efficiency at Daiichi Tanker.
Chemicals Performance Materials Clean energy business We will work to accelerate energy transformation and promote clean energy (such as hydrogen) to help achieve a carbon-free society. Achieve the decarbonization of the mobility sector, particularly in commercial vehicles, by building a value chain for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen production and supply. Enhance collaboration with partner companies and expand the hydrogen supply chain. We are investing in compressed hydrogen gas tank systems, battery systems/vehicle integration business and hydrogen station developers and operators, green hydrogen business as well as providing business support.
Chemicals Performance Materials Forestry resources We will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases and work to conserve biodiversity. Contribute to greenhouse gas reduction by tree planting and comply with forest certification. Establish greenhouse gas reduction projects through tree planting and maintain forest certification for our forestry assets.
  • We have enhanced our efforts to reduce greenhouse gases with partner companies.
  • We have obtained forest certification for all our afforestation assets overseas.
Chemicals Performance Materials Materials and products business Through our materials and products business, we will contribute to the achievement of a carbon-free and recycling-oriented society. Develop and recycle environmentally friendly materials and products. Create and enhance other recycling-oriented businesses. Develop and market low-environmental impact materials and products with partner companies, and develop and provide solutions including the construction of circular business models.
  • We have participated in CLOMA (Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance) to help solve problems of plastic waste in oceans.
  • We are promoting the development and commercialization of low-environmental impact materials and products with partner companies in the fields of plastics, biochemicals, and paper.
Chemicals Nutrition & Agriculture Agri-solution business We will work to preserve natural capital and achieve sustainable agricultural production through science Reduce the environmental impact of agricultural production through the development and dissemination of industrial technologies.
  • Develop and disseminate bio-pesticides made from fungi and natural extracts, to reduce the environmental burden and help achieve agricultural production in harmony with the environment.
  • Establish regenerative agriculture business
  • We are promoting "IPM" (Integrated Pest Management), which combines biological pesticides and chemical pesticides, to help establish highly productive and sustainable agricultural systems.
  • We have invested in the regenerative agriculture business and are engaging in the formation, design, and management of regenerative agriculture projects globally.
Iron & Steel Products Iron & Steel Products Renewable energy We will work on the manufacture, maintenance and repair of infrastructure for renewable energy. Help spread the use of renewable energy through the manufacture of equipment used in onshore and offshore wind turbine towers, as well as the establishment of inspection and repair business for tower materials and equipment. Expand the services that we handle and the areas that these cover.
  • We are developing inspection and maintenance services for offshore wind power generation facilities in Japan though Horizon Ocean Management, responding to the need for preventive maintenance and life extension for wind power generation facilities.
  • Through Regency Steel Japan Ltd. we are engaged in the manufacture and supply of self-elevating platform vessels and components for bottom-fixed and floating foundation structures.
  • Through partnership with Global Energy Group we are promoting the fabrication and repair of offshore structures for renewable energy.
  • We are promoting the global expansion of wind power tower and flange manufacturing with GRI Renewable Industries.
Lifestyle Food Trading/business investment initiatives We will contribute a circular economy by creating existing business and new business models.
  • Add value to by-products generated in our food value chain.
  • Promote the setting up of a sales channel expansion circulation system by cultivating demand.
  • Find out how by-products can be effectively used.
  • Make proposals positively to existing and new customers about how such by-products can be used.
  • Achieve a reduction of waste generated in the value chain, reuse by-products, and utilize sales channels.
  • We have effectively utilized by-products such as soybeans, rapeseed, wheat, sesame, and corn for livestock and fishery feed.
  • We have reused sugar cane chaff as fuel for power generation.
  • We use construction waste and surplus sludge generated from wastewater treatment as boiler fuel.
  • Remnants of strawberry flesh on leaves removed from cut strawberries, are utilized to make juice.
  • We have utilized tea leaf residue is used as a raw material for compost.
Lifestyle Retail Food retail We will reduce the environmental burden in the food distribution value chain.
  • Expand the procurement and handling of materials, packaging materials in our business value chain that have a low environmental impact.
  • Promote the reduction of the environmental impact in our business.
  • Enhance procurement and development capabilities for materials and packaging materials that have a low environmental impact.
  • Cooperate with suppliers, manufacturers, and customers to procure materials and packaging materials that have a low environmental impact and increase the frequency of development.
  • We are providing customers with thin-walled, lightweight, and simplified food containers and packaging materials (reduction of packaging usage).
  • We are using biomass film, biomass ink, aluminum-free paper cartons, thinner wood, recycled film and forest-certified paper.
Innovation & Corporate Development IT & Communication IT Service We will contribute to realize the decarbonized society utilizing IoT and Cloud technology. Contribute to realize the decarbonized society by reducing energy consumption through the utilization of IoT and cloud technology, and to optimize the air conditioning of spaces. Increase the number of companies that have introduced services and the scale of air conditioning assets owned.
  • Through Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. (MKI), a subsidiary, we are providing GeM2, a cloud-based energy management service that provides both energy-saving and comfort, as well as a cloud-based remote monitoring service for solar power generation facilities.
  • Through Air as a Service., Ltd. (AaaS), an affiliated company, we are providing a service that optimizes air conditioning usage environments and maximizes energy savings through the remote monitoring and control of industry-use air conditioning and ventilation systems.
Innovation & Corporate Development Corporate Development Commodity derivatives We will contribute to realize the low-carbon society through transactions involving derivatives such as power certificates and emissions credits that contribute to the carbon management of customers in Japan and overseas, and by demonstrating optimization functions. Realize concrete progress on customers' carbon management plans by demonstrating carbon management functions that meet customers' needs.
  • Strengthen our ability to trade in power certificate and emissions credit markets and grow our customer base.
  • Cultivate knowledge and personnel connected to carbon management structures and systems.
We are expanding trading functions and expand their customer base at Environment & Energy Sales Department of The Commodity Markets Division's and Mitsui Bussan Commodities Ltd./ Mitsui Bussan Gas and Power Solutions B.V.
Innovation & Corporate Development Corporate Development Financial, Asset Management Contribute to the creation of an eco-friendly society by funding sustainable infrastructure initiatives. Build an asset management portfolio focused on renewable energy and peripheral business areas. Identify and accumulate examples of funding in countries in which the Fund invests. We have closed an investment in a renewable energy platform and are continuing to consider several sustainable infrastructure businesses for investment.

Develop talent leading to value creation

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Segment Business unit Business field Response to issues Target
(assuming a date by 2030)
Actions and performance indices
for achieving the target
Current status/progress
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Working Environment (managing workplace environments) We will create frameworks for new value creation through the advancement of work style innovation. Aim to raise the competitiveness of the entire group and provide new value to society by cultivating environments that enable each employee to become more productive, handle the uncertainty generated by constant environmental changes, and demonstrate their capabilities to the fullest.
  • Correct long working hours (Non-consolidated).
  • Constant achievement of the percentage of annual leave taken to over 70% (Non-consolidated).
  • Average annual paid leave taken: 13.6 days.
  • Average annual paid leave usage ratio: 70.3%.
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Diversity & Inclusion Our aim is for each of our employees, regardless of employment location, gender, or any other individual characteristics, to recognize and fully leverage each other's diverse backgrounds and abilities to bring new value to our business. Realize diversity and inclusion.
  • Grow into an organization that thrives on diversity (implement the Mitsui Engagement Survey, monitor the results, and utilize them for organizational development).
  • Promote diverse human resources.
    1. Achieve a 20% ratio of female managers by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031 (Non-consolidated).
    2. Actively promote regionally hired employees to line manager positions at overseas trading affiliates.
    3. Increase the number of line managers for regionally hired employees in overseas subsidiaries.
  • Continue to Challenge and Innovate through our diverse workforce
    —Leverage our Values in competency evaluations.
  • We reported the results of the Mitsui Engagement Survey to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors (once a year). The results are used to formulate human resource strategies and make organizational improvements. Employee Engagement was 73% (+1% vs previous year), and Employee Enablement was 69% (unchanged from previous year).
  • We conducted HR Strategy Meetings where the President, the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), the General Manager of the Human Resources & General Affairs Department, and the COOs of each Business Unit and General Managers of each Corporate Division discuss succession plans for key positions.
    1. Percentage of female managers: Non-consolidated: 10.7% (as of July 1, 2024), Consolidated: 18.8% (as of March 31, 2024).
      Women Leadership Initiative: We strengthened the development of female leaders, including support activities by female external directors (with 62 employees taking part in total).
      Sponsorship Program: Executive Committee members provided advice and guidance on careers for female senior leadership candidates (with 24 employees taking part in total).
    2. Percentage of line managers for regionally hired employees: 18.1%.
      Change Leader Program: We implemented a program for prospective leaders that were hired overseas (with a total of 55 employees taking part in total).
  • Mitsui Leadership in Action: We introduced standards of conduct based on Mitsui's Values at the Head Office and overseas subsidiaries. The program is being utilized as part of hiring, training, evaluation, and appointment decisions.
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Human resources development We will place the Mitsui & Co. global group's diverse pool of competent individuals into the right positions at the right time and cultivate and utilize business management talent. Cultivate personnel who can take on global group management and facilitate change and growth.
  1. Implement human resource development programs.
  2. DX Talent Development (Number of DX Business Professionals): 1,000 people by FY March 2026.
  3. Promoting autonomous career support through the introduction of a new personnel system (Non-consolidated).
  1. Total development and training cost: JPY 3.05 billion.
    We have implemented the Global Training Program (dispatching 209 employees to 30 countries).
  2. Number of DX Business Professionals: 231.
  3. In addition to a new personnel system, we have enhanced the appropriate allocation based on employees' career aspirations by using the Career Challenge System and Expert Band, etc.
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Well-being We will develop workplace environments in which employees can continue to work healthily and safely, without falling into patterns of chronic overwork, so that they can fully demonstrate their capabilities and continue to strengthen the competitiveness of the Mitsui & Co. group. Steadily promote occupational health and safety and health management throughout the global group.
  1. Percentage of employees undergoing health checks: 100% (Non-consolidated).
  2. Medical questionnaire response rate: 100% (Non-consolidated).
  3. Percentage of employees undergoing stress checks: 90% or higher (Non-consolidated).
  4. Smoking rate: Reduction of 0.5% compared to the previous FY.
  5. Number of lost time injuries and fatalities: Zero (Non-consolidated).
  6. Number of serious injuries: year on year decrease; Number of fatalities: Zero (Global group).
  1. Percentage of employees undergoing health checks: 100%.
  2. Medical questionnaire response rate: 57.1%.
  3. Percentage of underwent stress checks: 85.2%.
  4. We have held anti-smoking seminar programs
    Smoking rate: Increased 0.1% compared to FY March/2023.
  5. Number of lost time injuries: 1 case; Number of fatalities: Zero (Non-consolidated).
  6. Number of serious injuries: 4 cases; Number of fatalities: 2 cases (Global group).

Build an organization with integrity

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Segment Business unit Business field Response to issues Target
(assuming a date by 2030)
Actions and performance indices
for achieving the target
Current status/progress
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Integrity and compliance We will raise integrity awareness, including ensuring compliance among all officers and employees. Revitalize the organization and improve reputation through policies that address issues.
  • Rate of pledging to comply with Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers of Mitsui & Co.: 100%
  • Create organizations that act with integrity on a global group basis so that the Mitsui & Co. global group can continue to be a truly trustworthy corporate group for society.
  • Ensure early detection and response to compliance issues, and strengthen prevention measures.
  • Establish and strengthen compliance structures and carry out compliance education and training to ensure that employees are more thoroughly aware of compliance.
  • Facilitate communication and foster a "speak up" culture.
  • Rate of pledging to comply with Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers of Mitsui & Co.: 100%
  • We have put together the Mitsui & Co. Group Conduct Guidelines—With Integrity to share our approach toward integrity and compliance on a global group basis, and are working to raise awareness through seminars and workshops.
  • By having Human Resource Managers at each business unit work directly with the CCO as Compliance Administrators, we are able to advance integrity and compliance measures in each organization based on company-wide policies. In addition to raising awareness of compliance and integrity at workplaces, we are accelerating the establishment and improvement of effective structures at the practical level in line with actual circumstances at affiliated companies.
  • We utilize Guidelines on the Establishment of Compliance Systems at Affiliated Companies, to strengthen compliance systems at affiliated companies on a global basis, and we carry out regular monitoring.
  • To improve the credibility of the systems and promote their use, the CEO sent out a message encouraging employees to "Speak Up" when we have doubts or feel that something is wrong, and in FY March 2024, we initiated e-Learning programs based on real cases to prevent recurrence and improve trust in our whistleblowing system.
  • The main initiatives carried out in FY March 2024 in order to raise awareness of compliance and integrity are as follows.
    —We provided training for employees at all levels, from new entrants to managers, as well as for employees about to be transferred overseas or to group companies, or assigned outside the company.
    —We held "With Integrity Month" under the theme of "Think about Integrity in the coming years" which is one element of Mitsui's Materiality. Activities included an integrity discussion between the CEO and Mitsui employees of Asia Pacific business unit, article distribution of integrity discussion between CCO, business unit COOs and business unit employees, video streaming to review corporate scandals and think about integrity in English. In addition, each business unit and overseas office voluntarily conducted integrity-related projects in their respective organizations.
    —We continued providing a learning course based on a Compliance Handbook explaining the "Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers of Mitsui & Co." in order to promote the assimilation of basic compliance knowledge that officers and employees of Mitsui should acquire in the course of their daily business activities. We also provide a “Mitsui & Co. Group Compliance Handbook” and e-learning to the group companies that requested them.
    —Response rate to compliance awareness surveys: 94%. We find out an indication of compliance issues at an early stage and, while measuring organizational openness, continue to strengthen efforts to prevent the occurrence of compliance problems in cooperation with each business unit. We are carrying out compliance awareness surveys and utilize them to improve compliance structures in each organization. The compliance awareness surveys are being used on a global group basis, customized according to the size and region of the organization.
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Corporate governance and internal controls We will raise the transparency and fairness of management, enhance corporate governance, and establish and improve internal controls.
  • Make sustainable improvements of corporate value through achievement of highly effective corporate governance and continuous review.
  • Establish and ensure the appropriate operation of internal controls systems in order to achieve management targets based on our Corporate Mission Vision Values.
  • Conduct continuous review and further strengthen internal controls systems for optimization of our corporate governance in accordance with the Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Corporate Governance and Internal Control Principles through annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in order to optimize our corporate governance.
  • Maintain the diversity of the Board of Directors and its advisory committees, which includes external members.
  • Respond to the findings of evaluations of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.
  • Responses from External Members in evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.
  • Maintain the structure of remuneration for directors that strongly encourage medium- to long-term improvement in corporate value and sustainable growth.
  • Carry out highly transparent disclosure.
  • Check internal controls systems through annual internal controls reviews.
  • We changed our governance and Executive Structures and made the Board of Directors more diverse. As of June 19, 2024, the Board contained six external directors (50% of the Board) and four women (33.3%). More than half of the members of advisory committees are external members and the Chairs of the nomination committee and remuneration committee are both independent external directors. The Nomination Committee worked to provide more opportunities for External Members to learn about candidates for Directors and Managing Officers and enhance the information and materials provided. The Committee discussed the selection of Director/Managing Officer candidates and appointment plan of Directors/Managing (Nomination Committee). The Remuneration Committee discussed re-evaluation of the remuneration system and level towards the contribution of medium-to long term corporate value under global competitive environment, etc. (Remuneration Committee).The Governance Committee discussed (i) corporate governance including ratio of External Directors, size of the Board of Directors, institutional design etc. and (ii) evaluation of effectiveness of the Board of Directors, etc.(Governance Committee).
  • We enhanced disclosure of the director and Audit & Supervisory Board member skill matrix in notices of general meetings of shareholders and integrated reports and disclosure regarding director's remuneration in securities reports.
  • In FY March 2024, free discussions among all members of Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board were held (themes: "Mitsui's Corporate Governance".
  • Our response to each issue identified in the FY March 2023 evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors is as follows.
    (1) Continuing discussions concerning the number and diversity of directors, the percentages of internal and external directors, and institutional design, with the aim of further enhancing the quality of deliberations: Discussions about Mitsui & Co.'s executive structure and institutional design at the Governance Committee meetings, Executive Committee meetings, and free discussion sessions of Board of Directors in July, August, and October of 2023. While maintaining the current structure as a company with an Audit & Supervisory Board, transition to a 12-member Board of Directors with equal numbers of internal and external directors by reducing the number of internal directors after the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2024.
    (2) Consideration of actions to improve the quality and efficiency of deliberations by the Board of Directors: The following Secretariat recommendations are now being implemented progressively: 1) Reduction of the number of Board meetings and extension of the meeting duration, 2) free choice of meeting attendance methods, 3) measures to improve engagement among Executive Committee members, directors, and Audit & Supervisory Board members.
  • In FY March 2024, it was concluded that the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, including its response to the issues outlined above, was appropriate.
  • In FY March/2022, we introduced a performance-linked stock remuneration plan, linked to the achievement of management indicators that the Company should place emphasis on, such as ESG elements including response to climate change, and ROE. The Remuneration Committee, which is chaired by an independent external director, deliberated on the remuneration system from the perspective of improving corporate value over the medium to long term, with the aim of disclosing the management indicators that the Company places emphasis on in its management strategy in an easy-to-understand manner.
  • In FY March 2024, in order to operate the necessary systems to ensure appropriate operations, the Company established and maintained each internal control system by holding physical meetings and carrying out visiting audits in combination with online meetings and/or video messages, etc.
Corporate Staff Corporate Staff Risk management We will contribute to the advancement of sustainable business activities by identifying and managing the various risks surrounding the group's business. Establish and maintain a comprehensive risk management structure to integrate groupwide risk management.
  • Control of the impact on shareholders' equity, and the maintenance and periodic review of internal rules by each corporate staff division.
  • Control of risk at each workplace at business units and overseas regional business units; strategy planning, policy formulation and regulatory compliance.
We look laterally across the Company to identify material risks and implement appropriate risk control measures. The Chief Operating Officer of each business unit and overseas regional business unit is responsible for managing risks in their business domain within the authority delegated to them as part of the execution of their duties. Meanwhile, each of the Corporate Staff Divisions provides support to business units and overseas regional business units regarding the aspects of risk management that they are responsible for, while also monitoring the company-wide position and reporting to management. In addition, the major committees develop and maintain risk management structures on a company-wide basis and handle material risks as advisory bodies and subordinate organizations to the Executive Committee. Mitsui has established an integrated risk management system that manages company-wide risks centrally through the Executive Committee and its advisory body, the Portfolio Management Committee. The Corporate Staff Divisions, which act as the secretariat, manage risks from a company-wide perspective. In coordination with related divisions, they identify material risks and take appropriate measures, considering the frequency of occurrence, expected scale of damage, and level of risk tolerance. In FY March 2024, these efforts were discussed by the Portfolio Management Committee and then presented to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.