Contribute to the betterment of living standards and the development of local industries to realize sustainable societies globally.
Mitsui & Co. recognises that the focus on the societal impact of businesses and performance on wider Environmental, Social and Governance factors continues to evolve rapidly, with increasing interest from a range of stakeholders. We will maintain and enhance our focus on integrating these issues with our core business strategy, ensuring we manage and deliver societal impact in a way that generates enduring long-term returns for society. We place great importance on the creation of a society in which people can enjoy healthy and fulfilling lives. As a company that has built diverse value chains in countries and regions throughout the world, we recognise respect for human rights under international standards as the foundation for sustainability management.
Our Activities in Oceania to Contribute to SDGs
Our activities are covered under the relevant focus areas below, and are linked to the SDGs to demonstrate our efforts on tackling the SDGs’ 17 goals.
1.Creation of Employment Opportunities & Enhancement of Quality of Life
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Mitsui & Co. Activities in Oceania |
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- In Australia, Mitsui & Co. group employs about 20,000 people though direct and indirect investments or 4,600 based on Mitsui’s equity share holding.
- We pride ourselves on our policy of employing local people wherever practicable. For our oil and gas operations in the onshore Perth Basin managed by Mitsui E&P Australia(*1), almost all facilities personnel live locally in the Mid West region. Shark Bay Salt Group(*2) operates a residential village within close proximity to the operation in which provides employees and their families housing, recreational facilities and schooling.
2.Enhancement of Local Economy and Industries
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- Over the past 10 years, Mitsui & Co. group invested $16 billion in Australia. The value of our annual exports on an equity basis is $8 billion, positioning Mitsui & Co. group as Australia’s fourth largest exporter contributing to the Australian economy.
- Mitsui has a number of investments and joint ventures with equity holdings. We aim to add value through our business experience and diverse network throughout different industries. Through this approach, our goal is to contribute to the enhancement of industries in Australia and NZ.
- For example, our group companies such as Mitsui Iron Ore Development(*1), Mitsui Iron Ore Corporation(*2), and Mitsui Resources(*3) have equity holdings in mining joint ventures. Leveraging our investment in Komatsu Australia, Mitsui Australia and the group companies work closely to introduce technologies to enhance the safety, productivity, environmental resistance and system flexibility of the iron ore and coal mining operations.
- Through our investment in Aptella (formerly Position Partners) (*4), we also aim to accelerate digital transformation in the construction and mining sectors through the machine control and precision measurement technologies.
- Mitsui Australia has formed a strategic partnership with SRJ Technologies(*5). SRJ offers a range of engineering services and weld-free containment management solutions which significantly reduces the time required for pipeline repairs and maintenance. The partnership explores commercial opportunities to promote SRJ’s products and services contributing to efficiency improvement of our partners in the energy, chemicals and mining and metals sectors.
- Mitsui Australia and the group companies also collaborate to supply steel rails for transporting iron ore, as well as conveyer belts for mining operations.
- In support of our investment in International Power (Australia) Holdings, we tap into Mitsui’s diverse network to develop business-to-business opportunities including power purchase agreements to supply electricity from renewable sources.
- In our investment in New Forests(*6), we aim to support the growth utilising our extensive business network and knowledge accumulated through our long-term engagement in the forestry sector.
- Shark Bay Salt Group(*7) and Mitsui E&P Australia(*8) actively contribute to regional economic growth and sustainability through hiring locally and procuring goods and services from local suppliers.
- We also aim to co-exist with other local industries and communities. At our oil and gas operations in the Perth Basin managed by Mitsui E&P Australia(*8), our activities are designed to allow farming and other land uses to continue. For example, locating access tracks along fence lines and burying infrastructure, such as flowlines and pipelines, also minimise the visual impact to the local rural community.
3. Responding to Increasingly Diverse Consumer Demand
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Mitsui believes that the continuing provision of value and functions that match consumer expectations will remain an important role for Mitsui as we work to respond to new consumer demand. For example, world population growth and economic growth are likely to have a major impact on food demand patterns, resulting in increased demand for animal protein in emerging market economies, and plant-based alternatives in developed countries. In response to this need, Mitsui Australia works closely with our network of offices across Asia and Far East to create new business opportunities and develop new trade flows into the region, such as premium Australian beef and plant-based food. |
4.Social Contribution Activities
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During the financial year ended March 2022, Mitsui & Co. contributed A$425,477 in support of the Oceania region. 248 employees and families participated in volunteering activities during the fiscal year ended March 2020, with additional 25 volunteers by end of March 2022 amid strict COVID-19 restrictions. |
- In partnership with Conservation Volunteers Australia, Mitsui Iron Ore Development(*1) undertakes conservation activities in the Pilbara region.
- Shark Bay Salt Group(*2) is committed to the protection of the environment. In addition to complying with relevant laws and regulations, we provide in-kind support towards Shark Bay Dolphin Research, sponsor a local terrestrial restoration project, as well as monitoring the mangrove ecosystems at the north end of our pond system.
International Exchange
Mitsui strives to develop the next generation leaders with a global perspective.
- Mitsui Australia sponsors Mitsui Educational Foundation Study Tour of Japan and New Colombo Plan Mitsui Immersion Program to provide Australian university students the opportunity to learn broadly about Japan including Mitsui’s business model, industries in Japan, Australia-Japan relations, modern and traditional Japanese cultures, history and technologies.
- Mitsui Resources(*3) sponsors sending Australian high school students to Japan for intercultural experience in collaboration with AFS NZ and Japan.
- Mitsui Resources(*3) sponsors a qualified Japanese teacher to teach language, history and culture in Central Queensland.
- In partnership with Scitech(*4), Mitsui Iron Ore Development(*1) supports the delivery of a Future Computing education program for primary schools within the Pilbara region.
- Mitsui E&P Australia(*5) collaborates with Central Regional TAFE to sponsor STEM tertiary education with a focus on regional traditional owners.
Regional Communities
- Mitsui group companies in Queensland and Western Australia regularly support various not-for-profit organisations with a specific purpose of benefiting the regional communities in which our investments operate. For example, Moura Youth Centre in Queensland, Royal Flying Doctors Services and Rotary Club of Western Australia and West Australian Symphony Orchestra.
Find out more about our social contribution activities here(*6) |
5.Respect for Human Rights
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