
Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd.


Sustainability at Mitsui & Co.

Companies can only be sustainable if the societies they operate in are sustainable, and unsustainable companies cannot fulfil their social responsibilities.

Mitsui & Co. Australia recognises the importance of speaking with one united voice. Our approach to sustainability is consistent with that of our parent company, Mitsui & Co.

Our Mission, Vision and Values define who we are as an organisation and underpins our strategy. Together with Mitsui & Co. Group Conduct Guildelines "With Integrity", they guide our employees in the work they do each day and frames the standard for our business practices looking forward. By focusing on our Mission, Vision and Values in all that we do, we will grow our business the right way, and deliver lasting value to all of our stakeholders.


"Build brighter futures, everywhere" Realise a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world.


"360° business innovators" As challengers and innovators, we create and grow business while addressing material issues for sustainable development.


Our core values as challengers and innovators

  • Seize the initiative: We play a central role in driving transformation.
  • Thrive on diversity: We foster an open-minded culture and multiply our strengths to achieve excellence.
  • Embrace growth: We drive our collecive growth by continuously growing as individuals.
  • Act with integrity: We pursue worthy objectives with fairness and humility, taking pride in work that stands the test of time.

Participation in Initiatives

Mitsui & Co. Australia supports various initiatives in pursuit of global sustainability – in line with our parent company, Mitsui & Co.

Sustainability Governance

The foundation for effective sustainability management is robust and transparent governance. At Mitsui & Co. Australia, the Board of Directors is responsible for the overall leadership of Mitsui’s business in Oceania, including the alignment of Mitsui & Co. Australia’s culture to its sustainability strategy, activities and initiatives.