
Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd.

Mitsui & Co.'s Materiality - Key Sustainability Goals

Create an Eco-friendly Society

Accelerate initiatives towards environmental issues, such as responding to climate change and water resource problems, and contributing to a circular economy.

As a company with business operations in countries and regions worldwide, Mitsui & Co. recognises that climate change and other impacts on the global environment could cause significant risks to the sustainable growth of society and Mitsui itself. We also recognise that the response to climate change will create new business opportunities due to the accelerating shift to energy conservation, renewable energy, and new technologies in mobility including electric vehicles. Other priorities include biodiversity, resource recycling, and adopting ‘circular thinking’ into the business. The circular economy works to ensure resources are kept in use as long as possible and the maximum value is extracted from them through good design and efficient practices.

Environmental Policy

In line with Mitsui & Co. Environmental Policy, Mitsui & Co. Australia works to resolve environmental issues through out business activities in countries and regions in which we operate. We also expect various stakeholders, including our business partners, to understand and address environmental issues in accordance with this Policy, and aim to collaboratively achieve harmony with the environment.

Compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations

In pursuing our business activities, Mitsui & Co. Australia will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, international standards and other such agreements made by our company.

Environmental Issues Related to Business Activities

Climate Change: Mitsui & Co. Australia will act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and also work to mitigate and adapt to climate change by pursuing businesses that contribute to the transition to a decarbonized society and to reducing the negative impacts of climate change.

Water Resources: Mitsui & Co. Australia will work to conserve water resources by reducing water consumption and improving the efficiency of water resource use.

Biodiversity: Mitsui & Co. Australia will assess the environmental impact of our business activities and work to conserve biodiversity.

Biodiversity: Mitsui & Co. Australia will assess the environmental impact of our business activities and work to conserve biodiversity.

Pollution Prevention: Mitsui & Co. Australia will act to reduce hazardous waste and pollutants and ensure the proper handling of any such materials, and strive to prevent air, water and soil pollution.

Sustainable Resource Use: Mitsui & Co. Australia will improve efficiency in the use of resources and energy and reduce waste. By pursuing business in the circular economy, we will work to achieve economic growth while reducing our burden on the environment.

Technology Development and Business Creation to Reduce Environmental Impact: Mitsui & Co. Australia will develop and promote technologies and new businesses that reduce environmental impact.

Environmental Management System

In accordance with Mitsui & Co. environmental management system, Mitsui & Co. Australia will work to contribute to our environmental targets through continuous improvement.

Stakeholder Engagement

Mitsui & Co. Australia will place importance on stakeholder dialogue, and appropriately address environmental issues relevant to our business activities.


Mitsui & Co. Australia will use appropriate processes to remedy environmental impacts found to have arisen from our business activities or relevant supply chains.

Education and Training

Mitsui & Co. Australia will provide training and development opportunities for our employees and officers to enhance their ability to understand and act in accordance with this Policy.


Mitsui & Co. Australia will continuously report our efforts and progress on addressing environmental issues through our reports, websites, and other communication channels.


Our Activities in Oceania to Contribute to SDGs

Our activities are covered under the relevant focus areas below, and are linked to the SDGs to demonstrate our efforts on tackling the SDGs’ 17 goals.

1. Environmental Management

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Target SDGs (Target Numbers) Mitsui & Co. Activities in Oceania More Information
  • When we embark on new investment projects, we subject them to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact assessments, using our ESG Due Diligence Checklists that consider environmental and societal risks based on international standards. Aspects covered by these assessments include pollution prevention, climate change, eco-systems, water stress, and human rights. Projects that are found to have significant implications then undergo internal screening in consultation with the Environmental and Societal Advisory Committee established by our parent company.
  • In relation to our forestry business in Australia, Mitsui has acquired Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) / Chain of Custody (CoC) certification - FSC-C104107 by Forest Resources Marketing Dept., Living & Environmental Business Div., Mitsui & Co., and FSC-107463 by Mitsui Bussan Woodchip Oceania(*1), as well as Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) / CoC certification. This allows us to promote the responsible management and handling of forest resources. Moreover, Mitsui Bussan Packaging holds FSC/CoC certification (FSC-C009939) which allows us to link certified paper supply chains and further promote responsible management of forest resources.
  • The waters and islands surrounding the Shark Bay Salt Group(*2) operations form a World Heritage Site, which is known for their outstanding biodiversity and richness of wildlife. In order to maintain our operational rights in this, we ensure that site environmental management systems are implemented, audited and reviewed each year.

2. Climate Change

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Target SDGs (Target Numbers) Mitsui & Co. Activities in Oceania More Information
  • Mitsui has declared its support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as part of our response to the growing importance of business sector action on climate change. Mitsui group companies in Oceania contribute to the annual survey on climate-related data conducted globally.
  • Mitsui has set out a goal of net-zero emissions as our Vision for 2050. Towards this Vision, we are working on a number of initiatives in the pipeline to promote energy solutions as well as carbon management.
    • With an experience of having developed a wind farm in Victoria previously, Mitsui Australia continues to pursue opportunities to develop renewable energy projects to contribute to Mitsui’s global target – 30 per cent of our total power generation capacity to come from renewable sources by 2030.
    • In Oceania, Mitsui group companies actively engage in discussions to address climate change risks – for example, leveraging our internal expertise in forestry development and management to maximise carbon solution opportunities.
    • At Mitsui Australia, we have achieved 52% reduction in electricity consumption since the 2006-07 year at our four offices and three residential assets (hence the equivalent amount of carbon emissions). We then offset 100% of the remaining emissions through Green Fleet.

Renewable Energy Projects & Supplies

  • Through a strategic alliance agreement with Hiringa Energy (*1), we are developing a green hydrogen / ammonia project in NZ together with Ballance Agri-nutrients.
  • In a joint venture with PATRIZIA (*2), Mitsui has invested in a diversified solar and battery energy storage development portfolio to deliver a total renewable generation capacity of over 150MW once fully developed, supporting Australia’s transition to green energy.

Low-carbon Mobility Solutions

  • Building on our alliance with Hiringa Energy, we have invested in Hiringa Refuelling NZ(*3) to develop a network of green hydrogen refuelling stations for fuel cell powered heavy vehicles in New Zealand.

Businesses and Projects to Support Low-Carbon Society

  • Carbon solutions business: Mitsui E&P Australia (MEPAU) has acquired carbon offset developer Outback Carbon(*4). Combining Outback Carbon’s carbon project expertise and MEPAU’s investment and business management capabilities will enable MEPAU to work with landowners, local businesses, local communities and other stakeholders to develop carbon farming projects which will contribute to making ecosystems and landscapes more biodiverse and sustainable. Through collaboration with partners, MEPAU will explore further opportunities to scale-up and diversify its carbon solutions business including (but not limited to) carbon capture and storage and other new and recognised carbon farming methods and technologies.
    Mitsui has acquired a stake in Climate Friendly, a company that works with farmers, Traditional Custodians, and conservation organisations to generate land-sector carbon credits through generation of native vegetation, improvement of soil health, and implementation of sustainable agriculture in Australia (*5) 
  • Forestry and Carbon Credit Projects: Through Mitsui Bussan Woodchip Oceania(*6) and our investment in New Forests(*7), we are expanding our business portfolio in forestry and land-use sectors to generate carbon credits while contributing to climate change solutions and conservation. For example, we have invested in a forestry carbon offset fund(*8), jointly developed with and managed by New Forests. The investment is expected to generate 4 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in carbon offset through plantation activities, and potentially it will be scaled up to 10 million tonnes of OC2 equivalent depending on the market demand.
  • Feasibility Study into Low-carbon Ammonia with CCS: We are participating in the joint feasibility study(*9) with our partners - Wesfarmers Chemicals Energy & Fertilisers and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation into the development of a supply chain for low-carbon ammonia in Western Australia.
  • Feasibility Study into CCS: Together with our partners in the North West Shelf Gas and liquified natural gas project in Australia, we are joining forces to progress feasibility studies for a large-scale, multi-user carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Western Australia(*10). The operator Woodside, along with BP and Japan Australia LNG (MIMI)(*11), will assess the technical, regulartory and commercial feasibility.
  • Demonstration project for oxyfuel and CCS technologies: Mitsui participated in the Callide Oxyfuel Project(*12), a public-private initiative by Japan and Australia with the objective to realise zero-emission electricity generation at coal-fired power stations. The project uses carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology called oxyfuel technology for recovering CO2 from coal-fired power stations and storing it underground. This demonstration project was completed successfully, and we are now exploring the potential for commercial utilisation.
  • Secondary battery materials: At Mitsui Australia, we are engaged in development of a stable production and supply platform for secondary battery materials, especially for lithium-ion batteries.
  • Micro-organism gas fermentation: Mitsui has invested in LanzaTech(*13) which is developing technology to produce fuels and chemicals through the microbial fermentation of CO, CO2 and other gases. Through this investment, we are building global business that will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and the creation of a circular economy.
  • Carbon fibre wheels: Mitsui has formed a strategic partnership with Carbon Revolution, an innovator and supplier of carbon fibre wheels, which are 40 per cent lighter than normal wheels. The unique properties of carbon fibre – lightweight, high strength and stiff, provide a great performance improvement and in turn a greater energy efficiency.
  • Raw Material for Solar Cell Panels: We are working a project with Metallica Minerals(*14) to develop a supply chain of high purity silica sand to cater for the emerging demand from solar cell panel production driven by global pursuit for green energy.
  • Raw Material for Lithium Ion Batteries: As part of a Japanese Consortium, Mitsui is working on a project with Ardea Resources Limited to develop the feasibility study of Kalgoorlie Nickel Project (*15). Nickel is an important component of batteries used in electric vehicles and will play a key role in the transition to green energy. 

Less Carbon-intensive Businesses

  • Shark Bay Salt Group(*16) owns and operates two salt fields at Shark Bay and Onslow in Western Australia. Over a period of 2-3 years, we produce solar marine salt from water taken from the nearby ocean, using the natural power of the sun and wind, with almost zero carbon emission.
  • Through Mitsui E&P Australia(*17) and Japan Australia LNG (MIMI), we participate in natural gas / LNG development projects to ensure stable supplies of gas-derived energy, which have a relatively low environmental load compared to other fossil fuels.

3. Circular Economy

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Target SDGs (Target Numbers) Mitsui & Co. Activities in Oceania More Information
  • At Mitsui Australia, we are building a metal and steel scrap supply network to contribute to the global recycling society. Mitsui has also invested in Sims Metal Management, a leading collector, processor and supplier of recycled metal in Australia.

  • Mitsui Australia has formed a strategic partnership with SRJ Technologies. SRJ offers a range of engineering services and weld-free containment management solutions help operators in the energy, chemicals and mining & meals sectors extend the life of existing assets rather than replacing them.

  • Our 100% subsidiary STATS (UK) Ltd(*1), is a company which manufactures proprietary energy pipeline repair equipment and provides engineering services worldwide. Demand for extending the life of ageing energy pipeline infrastructure through maintenance and repair is expected to continue to grow. At the same time, also within the framework of energy transition, the necessity to convert or re-purpose existing pipeline infrastructure to the supply of hydrogen, and the capturing, transportation and storage of carbon dioxide (CCS) is required to support a decarbonised society. Together with STATS’ unique technical capabilities and Mitsui’s extensive experience and network in the energy sector, we are well positioned to support these initiatives in Australia and NZ.

4. Environmental Pollution

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The Business Conduct Guidelines of Mitsui & Co. group companies prescribe and require the following.

  • All employees must comply with all laws and regulations concerning the protection of the environment and make every effort to be informed and aware of environmental issues concerning Mitsui and its business.
  • All business undertaken by Mitsui must be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the protection of the environment and every effort must be made to try to ensure, so far as reasonably possible, that Mitsui’s business does not cause damage to the environment. All employees must always conduct an environmental assessment to ensure that this is the case.

In designing our new Sydney office, sustainability was a key focus. Large amount of furniture was reused from existing site, reducing waste. All local Australian furniture suppliers were selected to minimise carbon footprint by reducing travel distances and associated shipping. Supplier selection was also based on their environmental initiatives such as Biosafety Cabinet Certification, Good Environmental Choice Australia accreditation, cradle to cradle programs, and renewable energy and water stewardship programs. All new lighting is LED, consuming less power and reducing greenhouse emissions. Many of the newly introduced products were sustainably produced, reusable and/or with recycled content.


5. Biodiversity

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CLIMATE ACTIONLIFE ON LAND Along with business partners, Mitsui Bussan Woodchip Oceania(*1) manages our plantation business in Australia with the aim of ensuring the stable provision of wood chips, the raw material for paper production. These projects contribute to protecting valuable natural resources, absorbing and chemically immobilizing carbon dioxide, preserving biodiversity, and preventing soil erosion and salt salinity.