
Employee Volunteer Activities

Employee Volunteer Programs

Delivering picture books to children in conflict and poverty-stricken areas in Asia

Since 2009, Mitsui has been running an employee participation program in support of an initiative by the Shanti Volunteer Association to deliver picture books to children in conflict and poverty-stricken areas in Asia who are not fortunate enough to have easy access to books. Held annually at the Head Office and domestic branches, employees and officers select picture books published in Japan that are popular across many countries, cultures, and eras, and attach adhesive labels containing translations, transforming them into picture books that can be read by the children in their native language. Once completed, the picture books are delivered by the Shanti Volunteer Association to libraries and schools throughout Asia. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we successfully sent 321 translated picture books through this program.

Children receiving the picture books Children receiving the picture books

In addition, during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, we held an employee exchange event centered on the theme of making picture books in foreign languages. During the event the Shanti Volunteer Association introduced the activities of the campaign to deliver picture books, and gave a lecture on the educational environment in various parts of Asia that the picture books are delivered to. In addition, Ms. Malala (pseudonym) from the organization's Afghanistan office gave an online lecture on the current situation with girls' education and employment in Afghanistan and the organization's local support activities, with the hope of raising awareness of social issues that exist in the region. Ms. Malala told the audience that while Afghan girls' educational opportunities are limited, even if they cannot go to school, reading picture books at the library helps them learn, and the experience of learning is a source of hope for Afghan girls. Event participants commented that the lecture showed the strength of people's desire to learn, even when the opportunity to learn is lost. Amid a rapidly changing global environment, it made them pay attention to Afghanistan once again. Even in a challenging environment where education is not available, libraries remain crucial places of learning, and the pursuit of knowledge is a beacon to the future.

Delivering picture books to children in conflict and poverty-stricken areas in Asia
Delivering picture books to children in conflict and poverty-stricken areas in Asia