
Risk Management

Business Continuity Management (BCM/BCP)

Policies and Basic Approach

Mitsui & Co. regards business continuity in times of disaster as a vital management priority. We have formulated a Business Continuity Management (BCM) framework to minimize business risks, such as the loss of customers and damage to our corporate reputation, resulting from the suspension of important business processes in the event that our ability to maintain our business operations is seriously impeded by earthquakes, floods, terrorism, epidemics, power shortages, or other contingencies, or when such a situation is expected to continue for a significant period of time.

Following the compilation of business continuity guidelines for business corporations by the Japanese government (specifically, by the Central Disaster Management Council of the Cabinet Office), we formulated a BCM Policy in 2006. Under the BCM framework, we formulated the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) which defines policies, procedures, organizational structures, and other related matters to ensure business continuity or the early resumption of business activities in the event of disaster, respectively for the Tokyo Head Office, other offices in Japan, overseas regional business units and regional blocs, and we regularly review it to ensure that we can maintain an appropriate management structure.

Business Continuity Management Policy

  • Safety of Human Life:
    Mitsui & Co. regards the safeguarding of human life as its first priority in relation to business continuity management in the event of disasters.
  • Implementation of Business Continuity Management:
    Mitsui & Co. recognizes the importance of business continuity management in times of disaster and will maintain a business continuity plan and structures to ensure the appropriate implementation and administration of that plan. We will work to enhance the effectiveness of the business continuity plan by improving the business continuity awareness and capabilities of individual employees, and by engaging in interactive dialogue with stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    Mitsui & Co. will formulate, implement, and administer a business continuity plan for business continuity management and will regularly review and continuously improve this plan.
  • Coexistence with and Contribution to Society:
    When formulating and reviewing its business continuity plan, Mitsui & Co. will consider not only its economic role, but also its coexistence with society and community reconstruction. We will be aware of and respond appropriately to the roles that we may be called upon to perform from time to time, such as the prevention of secondary disasters, community contribution, and coexistence with communities.

Formulated April 2006
Revised October 2020

President and Representative Director
Kenichi Hori

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

In non-emergency situations, the BCM general representative (the General Manager of the Human Resources & General Affairs Division) is responsible for supervision of the overall BCM. The BCM general representative manages the BCP, which includes the provision of education for all employees and training for staff members in charge of emergency response with support from the secretariat of the Emergency Response Headquarters, the establishment and revisions of related rules and documents, and preparation for and response to emergency situations. In case of an emergency, such as a disaster, the Emergency Response Headquarters will be set up, with the BCM officer (the Managing Director who supervises the Human Resources & General Affairs Div.) serving as its head, who will be responsible for the approval of the BCP and implementation of tasks stipulated in the Rules on Emergency Business Continuity Management.

Emergency Response Headquarters

BCM officer Yoshiaki Takemasu (Representative Director, Senior Executive Managing Officer (Taking charge of Business Continuity Plan Management, Human Resources & General Affairs Division))
BCM general representative Yoshiki Hirabayashi (Executive Managing Officer, General Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs Division)
Department in Charge Security Management Department, Human Resources & General Affairs Division


BCP Revision, and BCP-Related Training

The BCM general representative is responsible for supervision of the planning, management and administration of the BCP, the formulation, promotion and implementation of the BCP, the approval of education and training for employees in relation to business continuity, and the compilation of disaster response manuals. These manuals have been created based on the company-wide BCP and set forth actions to be taken by the Emergency Response Headquarters for performing important corporate processes in the event of a disaster, as well as manuals stipulating actions to be taken by individual offices after the occurrence of a disaster. In addition, we regularly conduct business continuity drills involving the immediate start up and operation of the Emergency Response Headquarters based on scenarios in which a major disaster occurs, such as an earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo area.

Mitsui will continually improve our organizational response capabilities by revising the manuals to reflect any issues identified through these drills. We have also introduced a system to confirm the whereabouts and safety of business and administrative staff, contract employees, and temporary staff in Japan. In September 2023, we conducted a general drill, and provided feedback on the results of responses in this drill to all employees, facilitating the use of this system.

In addition, each office maintains stocks of emergency food and equipment. Under the provisions of the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Measures for Stranded Persons, we maintain a three-day supply of emergency food and equipment for Tokyo Head Office employees and employees of affiliated companies based in the Head Office. Emergency kits containing food and other supplies are also available for all the employees at the Tokyo Head Office and can be taken by employees who have an urgent need to return to their homes.