

Environmental Performance Data

The data marked with "star" (FY Mar/2024) are assured by Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd., an external assurance provider based on International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 and ISAE3410.

Independent Practitioner's Assurance Report (PDF 1.55MB)

Energy Consumption

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Category Scope of coverage Unit FY Mar/2022 FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024 External
Energy Consumption GJ
    Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 138,668 133,026 120,219 star
    Consolidated Subsidiaries 15,883,365 17,077,300 16,360,527 star
Un-incorporated JVs 22,705,638 17,119,511 14,866,839 star
    Total 38,727,671 34,329,837 31,347,586 star
  (Breakdown) Fuels 29,384,281 25,186,671 23,101,455
    Electricity 9,257,125 8,983,625 7,627,209
    Steam, Heat 86,265 159,541 619,695
    Power Consumption Head office, all offices in Japan, and Subsidiaries MWh 648,113 655,011 648,116
    Renewable electricity (RE) Consumption 25,641 48,639 60,977
    RE Consumption rate % 4.0 7.4 9.4
  Intensity Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and domestic branches
(per square meter)
GJ/m2 1.36 1.24 1.12 star

Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Category Scope of coverage Unit FY Mar/2022 FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024 External
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions thousand t-CO2e *1
  Scope1 Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 0 0 0 star
    Consolidated Subsidiaries 366 349 384 star
Un-incorporated JVs 3,405 2,657 2,253 star
    Total 3,771 3,006 2,637 star
  Scope2 Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 0 0 0 star
    Consolidated Subsidiaries 227 225 239 star
Un-incorporated JVs 185 175 173 star
    Total 412 400 412 star
  Scope1+2 Total   thousand t-CO2e 4,183 3,406 3,049 star  
  Scope1&2 Emissions (before off-set credit adjustment) Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan thousand t-CO2e 7 6 6 star
  Scope1+2 (before off-set credit adjustment) Total   thousand t-CO2e 4,190 3,412 3,055 star  
  Scope1 (Break Down)
(before credit off-set adjustment)
CO2 Carbon dioxide thousand t-CO2e 2,434 1,975 1,719
    CH4 Methane 1,336 1,029 917 *2
    N2O Carbon monoxide 2 2 1 *2
    HFCs Hydrofluorocarbon 0 0 0 *2
    PFCs Perfluorocarbon 0 0 0 *2
    SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride 0 0 0 *2
    NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride 0 0 0 *2
  Scope1 by Area
(before credit off-set adjustment)
Asia Pacific 3,056 2,315 1,969
    Americas 407 345 354
    Europe, Middle East, and Africa 308 347 315
  Scope2 by Area
(before credit off-set adjustment)
Asia Pacific 331 329 322
    Americas 73 65 85
    Europe, Middle East, and Africa 14 11 11
  GHG Intensity Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan
(per square meter)
t-CO2e/m2 0.001 0.000 0.000 star *3
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (scope3) thousand t-CO2e
  Category1 Purchased goods and services - 35,330 33,470 *4
  Category2 Capital goods - 761 936 *4
  Category3 Fuels not included in Scope 1 and 2 and energy-related activities - 1,470 2,904 *4
  Category4 Upstream transportation and distribution Consigned logistics in Japan with Mitsui as the shipper 19 19 19 star
Major international transportation arranged by Mitsui - 3,188 1,461
  Category5 Waste generated in operations - 0 0 *4
  Category6 Business travel Employees at Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 19 67 84 *5
  Category7 Employee commuting Employees at Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 1 1 1 *5
  Category8 Upstream leased assets - Not applicable Not applicable
  Category9 Downstream transportation and distribution - Included in cat.4 Included in cat.4
  Category10 Processing of sold products - 32,185 30,993 *4
  Category11 Use of sold products - 83,490 98,847 *4
  Category12 End-of-life treatment of sold products - 221 188 *4
  Category13 Downstream leased assets - 1,216 523 *4
  Category14 Franchise - Not applicable Not applicable
  Category15 Investment 36,000 33,576 30,903 *6
  Scope3 Total   thousand t-CO2e   191,522 200,329    
Credit Details t-CO2e
    Mitsui & Co., Ltd J-Credit 3,419 2,707 3,492
J-VER 3,000 3,000 2,500
Absorption Amount thousand t-CO2e
    Forestry business - ▲ 245 ▲ 262
Total 0 ▲ 245 ▲ 262 *7
Reduction Contribution Amount and Absorption Amount
  Reduction Contribution Amount RE business - ▲ 2,163 ▲ 3,297
Emissions credit business - ▲ 284 ▲ 979
Next-gen fuel business - ▲ 10 ▲ 143
Total ▲ 2,000 ▲ 2,457 ▲ 4,419 *7
GHG Impact(Scope1&2+Scope3 Cat15‐Reduction Contribution Amount and Absorption Amount) 38,000 34,280 29,272 *7

Water Consumption

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Category Scope of coverage Unit FY Mar/2022 FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024 External
Water Withdrawal thousand m3
    Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 57 70 77 star
    Consolidated Subsidiaries and Un-incorporated JVs 300,696 287,727 269,135 star *2
    Total 300,753 287,798 269,212 star
  (Breakdown) Industrial water, water utility 5,428 18,446 12,298
    Pumped groundwater 12,396 13,432 13,854
    Rivers, lakes 20,035 2,458 1,754
    Sea 257,024 244,361 232,635
    Rainwater 3,697 6,958 5,871
    Others 2,172 2,143 2,799
  Intensity Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and Osaka Office
(per employee)
m3/employee 12.76 15.14 16.4 star
  High risk (40 -80 %) Consolidated Subsidiaries and Un-incorporated JVs Locations 9 8 10 *8
    olume of water
withdrawn (thousand m3)
99 132 1,499
  Very high risk (>80 %) Locations 4 4 7 *8
    olume of water
withdrawn (thousand m3)
1,099 1,016 1,141
Water Discharge thousand m3
    Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 54 64 69 star
    Consolidated Subsidiaries and Un-incorporated JVs 71,204 16,749 12,164 star *2
    Total 71,258 16,814 12,234 star *9
  (Breakdown) External disposal facilities (sewers) 1,912 1,454 1,441
    Groundwater 415 431 377
    Rivers, lakes 2,616 3,007 2,919
    Sea 64,250 9,473 2,748
    Others 2,065 2,448 4,748
Water recycling thousand m3
  Recycled Volume Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan 13 19 23
    Consolidated Subsidiaries and Un-incorporated JVs 5,844 6,302 6,277 *2
  Recycled Rate Mitsui & Co., Ltd Head office and all offices in Japan % 23 27 29

Waste and Paper Consumption

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Category Scope of coverage Unit FY Mar/2022 FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024 External
  Waste amount Head office, Osaka Office t 314 280 291 star
  Recycling rate   % 93.8 91.6 91.3 star
  Intensity   (per employee) t/employee 0.086 0.077 0.080 star
  Hazardous waste Specially-controlled industrial waste Head office, Osaka Office t 0.5 0.4 0.4 *10
Pollution Prevention t
  NOx Emissions Head office, Osaka Offices 3 2 1
  SOx Emissions   Head office, Osaka Offices 0 0 0
  VOC Emissions   Head office, Osaka Offices 0 0 0
Paper Consumption
  Paper consumption   Head office and domestic branches thousand sheets (A4 size equivalent) 11,304 11,339 9,840 star
  Intensity   (thousand sheets per employee) thousand sheets
2.96 3.00 2.63 star

Environmentally-friendly Logistics

In collaboration with our logistics partners, we implement energy-saving measures including promotion of economical driving practices and other fuel-saving techniques, improvement in transportation efficiency by using larger transport vehicles, introducing cargo consolidation arrangements, reviewing transport routes, and modal shift using rail and ship transport.

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Category Scope of coverage Unit FY Mar/2022 FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024 External
Environmentally-friendly Logistics Million ton-kilo-meters
    Freight volumes handled by Mitsui Domestic logistics handled by Mitsui 453 412 378 star
  (Breakdown) Ship 390 355 315 star
    Truck 64 57 63 star
    Air/Rail 0 1 0 star
  Intensity (fuels per thousand ton-kilo-meters) kl/thousand ton-kilo-meters 0.016 0.017 0.018 star

*1 [Standards/Guidelines for Scope1+2 calculation]
Consolidation : GHG Protocol Control Approach
Measurement : with reference to GHG Protocol "Emission-Factors-from-Cross-Sector-Tools (March2017)," International Energy Agency (IEA) Emissions Factors 2022, IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and others
*2 Major consolidated subsidiaries and Un-incorporated JV
*3 Figure for FY Mar/2022 was revised
*4 · Mitsui and consolidated subsidiaries (including Un-incorporated JVs) are calculated according to the control standards (as with Scope 1 and Scope 2)
· Where the same emission source is clearly double-counted among the companies included in the scope of the data, only one is included in the calculation
· In cases where the final product into which an intermediary product is processed cannot be determined, it is excluded from the calculation
· Approx. 60% of total Scope 3 emissions (excluding Category 15 ) are derived from the trading of third-party products and approx. 40% from the production/manufacturing/processing of products at Mitsui
· Trading of third-party products is where Mitsui buys products produced/manufactured/processed by third parties to sell to processors, end users, etc. It does not include transactions with "traders" where the processor or end users cannot be determined
· Category 1 and 11 energy-related emissions are calculated in line with the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) guidelines
· For ferrous raw materials (iron ore and metallurgical coal), Category 10 emissions from production of crude steel are calculated proportionally by weight
*5 Referring to the supply chain emissions calculation database of the Ministry of the Environment
*6 Estimated values of emissions from mineral & metal resources, energy and thermal power generation businesses not included in Scope 1+2 and other affiliated company businesses using LCA databases (IDEA, Ecoinvent), input-output models, etc.
*7 FY 22/Mar : The breakdown of reduction contribution amount and absorption amount was not disclosed, and the total is calculated in units of 1 million t-CO2e.
*8 In some cases, data was obtained directly from project sites, while in other cases, data was only attainable via the head office (parent company/SPC) of the company or companies involved in the project.
*9 Water discharge volume is assumed to be equal to water withdrawal in case of no discharge data
*10 Infectious waste discharged from in-house clinic