


Policies and Basic Approach

Since formulating the Mitsui Health Declaration in 2017, we have been engaged in health management to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of our employees. In response to subsequent changes in people's health perspectives and working styles, in 2023 the Declaration was reformulated into Mitsui's Commitment to Employee Well-being. We aim to enhance the well-being of every individual employee so they can grow together with the organization. We will also continue to take measures to comply with the health and safety laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate.

Mitsui's Commitment to Employee Well-being

To fulfill Mitsui & Co.'s mission to "Build brighter futures, everywhere", we strive to be a company that enables diverse talent to come together, learn from one another, and achieve individual growth while contributing to the organization.

We consider "well-being" to be a state where each individual can embody our company's long-standing ethos of "Challenge & Innovation" with vigor and vitality.

Mitsui & Co. will enhance employee well-being by fostering a working environment where our people can be themselves, respect each other's values, and work energetically with a sense of purpose.

In doing so, we will put the utmost importance on the health and safety of all employees and everyone we work with around the world, as one Mitsui & Co. family.

Formulated in July 2023

Kenichi Hori
President & CEO

Health and Safety Policy

In conducting the business activities of the Mitsui & Co. Group in countries and regions around the world, we will promote the development of workplace environments in which employees and officers can work to their full potential, and where each individual can work energetically, in good health, safely, in line with the Sustainability Policy and this Policy. To promote health and safety in our business activities, we will foster a culture in which each and every one of us can take responsibility for the health and safety of ourselves and those around us.

Prioritizing Occupational Health and Safety
We will always place our highest priority toward the health and safety of our Group employees and officers and all those involved with our businesses.
We will certainly promote measures based on the respective laws and regulations, as well as various initiatives to maintain and improve health, in order to enable creation of value at a higher level together with every employee and all our friends involved with our businesses.
We are dedicated to promoting the creation of workplaces and work environments where all employees and friends working together with them can work safely, free from occupational accidents, throughout the communities and regions where we conduct our operations. In pursuit of this goal, we will not only adhere to local laws and regulations but also strive for continuous improvement by incorporating best practices particular to each industry and providing necessary resources and training.

Formulated in August 2023

Yoshiaki Takemasu
Representative Director, Executive Vice President,
Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

Mitsui & Co. Global Group Contractor Selection Policy

In all our businesses, we aim to improve occupational health and safety and prevent labor accidents among Mitsui & Co. Group and contractor employees before they occur, Under the occupational safety and health promotion system led by the CHRO, we will promote measures tailored to the business characteristics of each business unit of the company. In November 2023, we formulated the Mitsui & Co. Global Group Contractor Selection Policy as a set of guidelines for the selection of contractors.

Sustainable Occupational Health and Safety in the Supply Chain

When dealing with new suppliers, we conduct a preliminary risk assessment covering various social issues such as occupational health and safety based on our Sustainable Supply Chain Policy and Procurement Policies for Specific Commodities and request that they understand these policies and implement them. For existing businesses and relevant suppliers, we conduct regular questionnaire surveys to gain an understanding of how their businesses are run with regard to occupational health and safety and other social issues such as safety in the event of a fire, use of personal protective equipment, and handling dangerous substances including chemical substances and pesticides. In addition to our initiatives to identify suppliers with occupational health and safety concerns, we carry out on-site inspections.

Supply Chain Management


Goals and Targets

Health Performance Index and Progress toward Targets

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

Health Performance Index FY March/2022 FY March/2023 FY March/2024
Percentage of employees undergoing health checks: 100% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Reexamination rate: 100% 65.9% 72.2% 57.1%
Percentage of employees undergoing stress checks: 90%
(Number of employees undergoing stress checks)
Smoking rate: Reduction by 0.5% compared to the previous fiscal year
(Year-on-year change)

Performance Data

HR Data Book: Health

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Well-being Framework

Under the leadership of the CHRO, serving as the Chief Health and Safety Supervisor, we have created the following framework for promoting the enhancement of every individual employee's well-being, including the establishment of the Well-being Promotion Committee, and have been promoting health management throughout the company. The Committee reports to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

Director in Charge of Promoting Well-being Management Yoshiaki Takemasu (Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)), Chief Health and Safety Supervisor
Deliberative body Well-being Promotion Committee, Health Committee
Department in Charge Human Resources & General Affairs Divison

Well-being Framework

Well-being Promotion Committee

In February 2017, Mitsui established the Health Promotion Committee under the basic policy of (1) promoting "Health and Productivity Management," which regards health management as a management priority, and (2) maintaining and enhancing employees' health through the implementation of "Health and Productivity Management" and improving the company's productivity. In line with subsequent changes in general perceptions on health, the "Health Declaration" was reformulated into the "Mitsui's Commitment to Employee Well-Being" in 2023, and the "Health Promotion Committee" was renamed the "Well-Being Promotion Committee." Committee meetings are held on a quarterly basis, and the minutes of each meeting are uploaded on the company's intranet for the purpose of sharing the information among all employees. As part of our "collaborative health" program, through which we aim to implement effective measures for enhancing employees' health under a partnership between the health insurance union and the company (with the CHRO, the General Manager of the Human Resources & General Affairs Division, the head of the Health Management Center & Medical Clinic Department. of the Human Resources & General Affairs Division, occupational physicians, and other healthcare professionals), Mitsui and Mitsui Bussan Health Insurance Society will continue to work together to plan and decide on policies aimed at maintaining and enhancing employees' health, and to execute these policies. Positioned as the foundation of our human resources strategy, the promotion of well-being will be led by the Human Resources & General Affairs Division under the supervision of the CHRO, in collaboration with the Health Committee, in which employee representatives participate, alongside the heads of divisional HR and overseas HR management.

Health Committee

The Hygiene Committee headed by the Chief Health and Safety Supervisor (a position held concurrently by the CHRO), consists of occupational physicians, health officers, employees recommended by management, and employees recommended by the labor union. The committee holds monthly meetings and discusses ways to improve working environments, ways to develop an appropriate framework, and other related matters based on the advice provided by qualified occupational physicians and health officers. Topics discussed by the committee include the results of workplace inspections, countermeasures based on those results, regular reports on long overtime hours, as well as implementation of regular health checks and stress checks, and influenza vaccination programs. The committee reflects members' opinions into safety and health measures to ensure employees' health and workplace safety. The committee also communicates with employees by posting the minutes of the committee's monthly meetings on the intranet.

Occupational Safety

Goals and Targets

Occupational Safety

Mitsui respects the health and safety of all employees in the global group and those with whom they collaborate. We aim to improve health and safety in all our business activities and to prevent occupational accidents*.

* Excluding commuting accidents and personal injuries and illnesses

Mitsui & Co. as a non-consolidated entity

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

    Target FY March/2022 FY March/2023 FY March/2024
Number of lost time injuries Employees 0 0 0 1
Contractors 0 0 0
Number of fatalities Employees 0 0 0 0
Contractors 0 0 0
Lost time injury frequency rate Employees 0 0 0 0.15
Contractors 0 0 0
Lost time injury severity rate Employees 0 0 0 0
Contractors 0 0 0
Occupational illness frequency rate Employees 0 0 0 0
Contractors 0 0 0

* Calculated based on Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare standards. As of July 31, 2024
* Employees: Employees at the Tokyo Head Office and branches in Japan, contractors: contract employees

Global Group*1

Please scroll horizontally to look at table below.

    Target FY Mar/2023 FY Mar/2024
Number of serious injuries*2 Employees Reduction from the previous year 5 4
Contractor employees 3 0
Number of fatalities*3 Employees 0 1 1
Contractor employees 5 1

*1 Figures for the Group (Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (non-consolidated), overseas trading affiliates, and subsidiaries employing workers with more than 50% voting rights).
*2 Non-fatal accidents involving serious injuries not recoverable within 6 months.
*3 The two fatalities in the fiscal year ended March 2024 were traffic accidents.

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Occupational Health and Safety Promotion Framework

Under the guidance of the CHRO, who is also serving as the Chief Health and Safety Supervisor, the Human Resources & General Affairs Division leads the company's overall efforts, while each individual business unit promotes specific measures tailored to the unique characteristics of their respective businesses, with a focus on the business frontline.

Chief Health and Safety Supervisor Yoshiaki Takemasu (Representative Director, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)), Director in Charge of Promoting Well-being Management
Department in Charge of Promotion Human Resources & General Affairs Div.

Occupational Health and Safety Promotion Framework

ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification Status

ISO 45001 is an international standard for managing occupational health and safety risks. As of March 31, 2024, two of our environmental priority management subsidiaries in Japan or overseas (accounting for 10% of our consolidated subsidiaries that need environmental priority management) had acquired ISO45001 certification.

Occupational Health and Safety Assessment of Business Investment Projects

In our businesses, we have systems in place that give maximum consideration to the environment and society, not only at the start of new business but also during operation and at the point of withdrawal from the operation. Regarding environmental and social risks (including labor issues and occupational health and safety related to existing projects and business operations) the Sustainability Committee regularly revises risk assessments, discusses response policies and measures, reports them to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

ESG Risk Management: ESG Due Diligence Checklists