

Diversity & Inclusion

Policies and Basic Approach

In the Mitsui & Co. group, employees who come from a wide variety of backgrounds play active roles globally.

Our aim is for every member of our diverse workforce, regardless of their place of employment or gender, to recognize and respect each other and inspire each other to exert their capabilities to the fullest, bringing new value and innovation to our business.
We also respect human rights and prohibit discrimination.

Diversity Management Goals and Action Policies

Diversity Management Goals and Action Policies

Goals and Targets

  • Our policies are designed to support the success of our diverse human resources, regardless of gender, nationality, age, and disabilities. We are fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion that accepts and respects diversity.

Specific Approaches

  • Human resources development for the success and deployment of diverse talent (human resource development approach)
    Specific measures: Promotion of senior success, career support for female employees, support for employees based in overseas branches and offices, support for people with disabilities
  • Encourage an organizational culture that makes the most of diverse backgrounds and points of view (approach to the organization)
    Specific measures: Organizational development through the Mitsui Engagement Survey, holding D&I Week, and conducting activities within each organization through D&I ambassadors
  • Demonstrate results and achievements through work-life management
    Specific measures: Working Environment: Labor Standards/Working Environment: Initiatives

Performance Index and Progress (Non-consolidated)

Performance Index Progress
20% female managers by FY March 2031 Ratio of female managers: 10.7% (as of July 2024)
Achieve 3% ratio of employees with disabilities Ratio of employees with disabilities: 3.17% (as of June 2024)

Performance Data

Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Diversity Management Promotion Framework

Diversity Management Promotion Framework

Collaborating with Stakeholders

Participation in Initiatives

We are promoting and expanding our efforts for diversity through participation in initiatives. Our participation in each initiative is decided after confirming that it is consistent with our basic policy on diversity.

Japan Business Federation (Keidanren)

Mitsui is a member of various Keidanren committees, including the following:

  • Committee on Population Issues, which works to take measures to tackle the issue of Japan's declining birthrate
  • Committee on Diversity & Inclusion, which works to realize further diversity and a society in which a diverse workforce, including women, can actively participate
Keidanren's "Challenge to 30% by 2030"

Keidanren's "Challenge to 30% by 2030" appears in its New Growth Strategy that it announced in November 2020. The challenge set an aspirational target for 30% or more of executives to be women by 2030, and seeks to create a movement to achieve this specific target. Our Company declared its support for this challenge in March 2021. In terms of our progress, the ratio of female directors is 33.0%, and the ratio of female directors/Audit & Supervisory board members is 29.4% as of July 2024.

Keidanren's "Challenge to 30% by 2030" (in Japanese only) (PDF 1.59MB)

Evaluation by Society for Efforts to Promote Female Participation

Evaluation by Society: Eruboshi (L Star)