On April 26, 2022, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui", Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichi Hori) joined Together for Sustainability ("TfS", President: Mr. Bertrand Conqueret, who is also the President of Global Supply Chain and Chief Procurement Officer at Henkel), a non-profit organization established mainly by major European chemical companies and engaged in sustainability-related activities.
Since its establishment in 2011, TfS has carried out sustainability assessments and audits across entire supply chains, from raw materials procurement to logistics. Its goals also include the formulation and application of common benchmarks for key priorities, such as decarbonization. The organization had 36 members as of April 30, 2022, including BASF of Germany and The Dow Chemical Company of the United States. It conducts sustainability assessments in partnership with EcoVadis, an independent rating organization based in France.
As the first Japanese company to join TfS, Mitsui will accelerate its sustainability-related initiatives in European markets, which are leading the world in this area. Mitsui will also use knowledge gained in said markets to improve sustainability across entire supply chains in global markets, especially in Asia and Japan.
Mitsui has prioritized sustainability management and the evolution of ESG in its corporate strategies, as defined in its Medium-term Management Plan 2023. The company will contribute to the creation of an eco-friendly society through its activities with TfS.

Mitsui’s Materiality
“Build brighter futures, everywhere” as our corporate mission, and to gain the trust and expectations of our stakeholders to realize a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world, we have identified five material issues (“Materiality”) for Mitsui’s sustainable growth. We anticipate this particular project/ business to contribute especially to the realization of “Create an eco-friendly society”
Secure sustainable supply of essential products
Enhance quality of life
Create an eco-friendly society
Develop talent leading to value creation
Build an organization with integrity