Management Policy
Corporate Disclosure Policy
Established on 2005.04.25
Amended on 2006.04.01
Amended on 2007.04.01
Amended on 2008.04.01
Amended on 2009.04.01
Amended on 2010.04.01
Amended on 2011.04.28
Amended on 2011.07.25
Amended on 2013.04.01
Amended on 2018.03.14
Amended on 2019.04.01
Amended on 2020.04.01
Amended on 2024.04.01
This policy stipulates the basic principles and procedures of disclosure of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui") in order to develop and maintain realistic investor expectations. This policy forms a part of Mitsui's internal rules and regulations which cover all employees and officers of Mitsui, and at the same time clearly expresses its commitment on disclosure to investors. This policy applies to the employees and officers of Mitsui's subsidiaries so far as it does not conflict with applicable laws and regulations.
2.Principles of Disclosure
Mitsui is committed to the following principles in its disclosure of material corporate information under provisions of this policy.
- 1.Transparency and accountability
- Disclosure of corporate information shall be accurate and consistent, regardless of whether such information may have a positive or negative impact, in order to ensure transparency and accountability to investors.
- 2.Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements on disclosure
- Disclosure of corporate information shall be in compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and relevant regulations in Japan as well as rules and guidelines of the stock exchanges and stock associations where Mitsui's securities are listed.
Note) Mitsui's equity securities are listed on the stock exchanges of Tokyo, Nagoya, Sapporo and Fukuoka.
- 3.Confidentiality and timely disclosure
- In order to ensure timely, accurate and fair disclosure, disclosure of material and non public information shall be done in accordance with the conditions and procedures for maintaining the confidence of such information as well as public disclosure.
- 4.Fair and equitable access to information
- Material, non public information shall be disclosed in a manner which ensures fair and equitable access by all investors. Selective disclosure of such information to specific individuals or groups is avoided at all times unless confidentiality is fully secured by confidentially agreements or other relevant measures as stipulated under the Article 8 of this policy.
3.Disclosures covered by this policy
This policy applies to the following disclosures as classified by the legal or regulatory frameworks requiring such disclosures. Disclosure requirements by governing legal authorities or stock exchanges and stock associations are not limited to those listed below, but also include those in other countries where Mitsui's securities are listed. Mitsui is committed to fully complying with all relevant requirements, rules and regulations.
- 1.Statutory disclosure filed with governing legal authorities ("Statutory Disclosure")
Statutory Disclosures are prepared and submitted in compliance with conditions and procedures under relevant laws and regulations. The following two categories of Statutory Disclosure constitute the basic, most important ones which consistently provide information on Mitsui's results of operations, financial conditions and business.
- Disclosures pursuant to Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
- Annual Securities Report
- Semiannual Securities Report
- Extraordinary Report - Disclosures pursuant to Japanese Companies Act
- Notice of general shareholder meeting (including supplementary information on resolution matters) pursuant to Article 299 of the Japanese Companies Act
- Financial Statements and Business Reports pursuant to Article 435 and Consolidated Financial Statements pursuant to Article 444
- Disclosures pursuant to Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
- 2.Timely disclosure of material corporate information filed to stock exchanges and stock associations
Apart from the above-mentioned legal requirements, certain stock exchanges and stock associations have established rules that obligate listed companies to file information in a timely manner when material events affecting investors' decision arises. In this policy, such disclosure is referred to as "Timely Disclosure," and those filed to the Tokyo Stock Exchange("TSE") as "TSE Timely Disclosure." The TSE Timely Disclosures are listed below.
- Earnings report
Filing of annual or quarterly earnings report in a prescribed format for TSE Timely Disclosure (kessan tanshin) and related supplementary data. - Filing of information on material corporate decision or development
Filing of material corporate decision or development as it arises, in conjunction with the press release in that regard. Mitsui will voluntarily file relevant corporate information which qualifies as "Material Information" as defined in the Article 6 of this policy even if such filing is not required by TSE.
- Earnings report
- 3.Other communications and disclosure materials
Following disclosures are out of scope of filing requirements by governing legal authorities, stock exchanges or stock associations, and therefore are not subject to legal or regulatory requirement. However, if non IFRS measured information is quoted in financial disclosure materials, except for 4 below, that are not required by relevant legal authorities, stock exchanges and stock associations, a relevant note reconciling the non IFRS measurement with the relevant IFRS measurement shall be accompanied.
- Communications with analysts and investors (including conferences on earnings announcement, small meetings, one-on-one meetings, inquiries by telephone or e-mail, site visits) and all relevant presentation materials (including information posted on Mitsui's Website)
- Integrated Report
- Sustainability Report and other disclosure materials
- Earnings disclosure by Mitsui's subsidiaries
4.The role of expert committees related to disclosure
- 1.The Disclosure Committee
- The Disclosure Committee is overseen by the Executive Committee. The Disclosure Committee reports to the Executive Committee on the result of its discussion on the establishment of principles and basic policy for Statutory Disclosure, Timely Disclosure and other material communications and disclosure materials to general public ("Material Voluntary Disclosure"), as well as the development of organizational structure and mechanism for disclosure within Mitsui on a consolidated base. Moreover, the Disclosure Committee is in charge of determination and/or recommendation on the materiality of information, as it arises, and the accuracy and adequacy of the documents to be filed or submitted for Statutory Disclosure, Timely Disclosure and Material Voluntary Disclosure as stipulated under 2 below.
- The Disclosure Committee shall determine and/or recommend on the final draft of filing for Statutory Disclosure, Timely Disclosure and Material Voluntary Disclosure as set forth below.
1. Disclosure Committee evaluates the accuracy and adequacy of the final draft of material Statutory Disclosure such as Annual Securities Report and Business Report, and report on the result in this regard to the Executive Committee which deliberates and resolves on basic policies and significant issues over the management of the company.
2. If the General Manager of the Investor Relations Division ("IR Division") finds it beyond his or her discretion to decide on the materiality of information and/or the accuracy and adequacy of filing text for Timely Disclosure, he or she will seek for the decision of the Disclosure Committee.
3. Disclosure Committee evaluates the accuracy and adequacy of the Material Voluntary Disclosure. Material Voluntary Disclosure includes Integrated Report and Sustainability Report as well as communications and disclosure materials that Disclosure Committee decides to be necessary in terms of consistent strategic corporate communications.
4. If such communications and disclosure materials involve highly sensitive management judgment, the Disclosure Committee will come up with recommendations for such disclosure and seek for the decision of the Executive Committee.
- Disclosure Committee is headed by Chief Financial Officer and co-headed by Chief Strategy Officer and General Counsel, and is comprised of Chairman of J-SOX Committee and the general managers of Human Resources & General Affairs, Strategic & Administrative Legal, Corporate Planning & Strategy, Corporate Communications, Corporate Sustainability, Global Controller, Finance and IR divisions as well as employees and/or officers designated by the Chairman of the Disclosure Committee as needed.
- 2.The Disclosure Secretarial Division
- The Disclosure Committee designates IR Division as the Disclosure Secretarial Division and Corporate Communications Division as the Disclosure Subsecretarial Division, respectively.
5.Responsibilities of Mitsui's employees and officers
- With respect to disclosure related matters, Mitsui's employees and officers shall comply with this policy and the relevant rules in "Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.". Moreover, Mitsui's financial professionals including Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, principal accounting officers and other persons performing similar functions shall comply with "Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers and Professionals." All officers and employees shall comply with the requirements of internal controls systems for Statutory Disclosures, including, but not limited to, the assessment on disclosure control.
- In order to ensure fair disclosure, Mitsui designates Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Chief Strategy Officer, the general managers of IR, Finance and Global Controller divisions and the general managers of Corporate Finance Department, Finance Division and Corporate Accounting Department, Global Controller Division as spokespersons who regularly interact and communicate with investors on behalf of the company ("Spokespersons"). To ensure consistent disclosure and avoidance of selective disclosure, employees or officers other than the Spokespersons are prohibited from interacting or communicating with investors. However, employees or officers other than the Spokespersons may from time to time respond to specific inquiries from the investors subject to specific designation by a Spokesperson. A Spokesperson will either make the judgment on the materiality of information on his/her own or seek for the decision by the Disclosure Committee.
- Employees and officers other than the Spokespersons are responsible for keeping the Disclosure Committee and the Spokespersons fully apprised of all the material company development through their reporting line. Officers and managers are required to give timely and relevant instructions to all relevant employees in order to maintain effective procedure for disclosure.
6.Materiality of Information
For purpose of this policy, the definition of "material information" is provided as below: Information is material if its disclosure would be likely to have an impact on the price of a security or if reasonable investors would want to know the information before making an investment decision. In concrete terms, quantitative thresholds which are lower than de-minimis criteria set by the TSE are voluntarily established as an internal guidance to judge the materiality covering the scope of information required to be disclosed pursuant to TSE Timely Disclosure regulations.
The voluntary criteria for the basket clause set forth in TSE Timely Disclosure regulations is as follows. Regardless of satisfaction of the criteria, information considered to be material to investment decision is disclosed in accordance with the clause.
- JPY5.0 billion or more for profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent
- More than JPY40.0 billion for investments, loans and guarantees
- JPY100.0 billion or more for increase in total assets
7.Confidentiality of information
- 1.Careful handling of confidential information
- Employees and officers shall ensure confidentiality of sensitive information and refrain from divulging such information to any third party until timely, fair and equitable disclosure is made to the public.
- 2.Materiality and confidentiality of information
Pursuant to the Article 2 of this policy, material information shall be disclosed in a timely, fair and equitable manner, except in the following limited circumstances where it may be temporarily withheld, but in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.
- The damage to the interest of shareholders arising from the immediate or premature release of the information would outweigh the benefits from such release,
- Immediate and premature disclosure of material information such as ongoing material investment, pending law suit and other information impacting Mitsui's business or competitive position would be unduly detrimental to the interest of shareholders.
The extent and the duration of such temporary treatment shall be determined in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations and in consideration of the potential impact of such information on developing and maintaining reasonable investor expectations.
- 3.Decision on disclosure by the Disclosure Committee
- In light of the above paragraph 2, the Disclosure Committee will, from time to time, decide whether to disclose or temporarily withhold certain material, non-public information, and if such information is disclosed, the definitive timing and manner of disclosure. The chairman of the Disclosure Committee may, as needed, recommend such definitive action plan to Executive Committee for their approval.
8.Avoidance of selective disclosure and providing fair measures to access information
- Selective disclosure is the disclosure of material, nonpublic information to any individual or group prior to the broad public dissemination of that information. It is against Mitsui's company policy to selectively disclose material, nonpublic information to people or groups outside of the company at any time, unless those people or groups are covered by confidentiality or nondisclosure agreements.
- When Mitsui files material information as Timely Disclosure, Mitsui will issue a press release and post it on Mitsui's Website at the same time in order to ensure fair and equitable access by all investors. If certain material, non-public information is unintentionally disclosed by a Spokesperson stipulated in the Article 5 of this policy in such a meeting with a member or members of the investment community, Mitsui will promptly disclose it publicly as Timely Disclosure. Similarly, if certain material, non-public information requiring Timely Disclosure is disclosed by the third party prior to public dissemination, Mitsui shall promptly disseminate it publicly as Timely Disclosure.
- The purpose of telephone conversations, one-on-one meetings and meetings with groups of analysts and/or investors is for investors to gain a better understanding of the strategies and fundamentals of the company. Mitsui will not disclose material, nonpublic information selectively in any of these meetings. The contents of company-hosted presentations, including large meetings on earnings release or conferences call, shall be posted on Mitsui's Website for public access.
- Mitsui observes a three-week quiet period until annual or quarterly earnings are publicly released. During the quiet period, Mitsui does not discuss results of the business or forecast of earnings unless material events subject to Timely Disclosure have occurred.
- Mitsui's subsidiaries may disclose their earnings on their own Website or by other methods. In order to ensure fair disclosure, such disclosure shall be made in principle on or after the time and date when Mitsui files earnings report for TSE Timely Disclosure, unless otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations. Listed subsidiaries decide the time and date of their earnings release on their own while the same time and date with Mitsui's disclosure is preferable.
9.Responding to market rumors
- It is Mitsui's basic policy not to comment on market rumors and speculations. The Spokespersons will respond consistently to rumors saying, "It is our policy not to comment on market rumors or speculation."
- If there is reasonable possibility that a market rumor will cause significant volatility in the prices of securities issued by Mitsui, Mitsui may, after consultation with the TSE, if any, other relevant stock exchanges and/or stock associations, make public statements in accordance with the procedures of TSE Timely Disclosure and relevant rules and regulations of other stock exchanges and stock associations.
10.Handling of forward looking information
- Mitsui may from time to time provide forward-looking information to facilitate investors with better evaluation of the company and its prospects for performance. A forward-looking statement made in the company's written disclosures shall be accompanied with meaningful cautionary language that warns investors that there is a risk the statement could change materially.
- In accordance with the rules of TSE Timely Disclosure, Mitsui will provide investment public with forecast of full-year earnings at the release of business results.
11.Internal procedure for Statutory Disclosure
- 1.Internal controls over Statutory Disclosures
- Annual Securities Report shall also be prepared and filed in accordance with the Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the relevant rules and regulations regarding internal controls and procedures.
- 2.Process for resolution on Statutory Disclosures
Among others, the following significant Statutory Disclosures shall be submitted for resolution or record by the Board of Directors of Mitsui.
- Annual Securities Report shall be submitted for record by the Board of Directors after final evaluation at the Disclosure Committee.
- Notice of general shareholder meeting pursuant to Article 299, Financial Statements and Business Reports pursuant to Article 435 and Consolidated Financial Statements pursuant to Article 444 of the Japanese Companies Act shall be submitted for resolution by the Board of Directors.
- 3.Maintenance and management of information
- Financial Information
The Global Controller Division is solely in charge of maintaining and managing information related to financial statements including notes and other supplementary information. - Non-financial information
The Disclosure Committee will designate relevant divisions among the Corporate Staff Unit of Mitsui's head office with the responsibility to respectively forward relevant non-financial information to the IR Division, which is solely in charge of maintaining and managing non-financial information.
- Financial Information
12.Internal procedure for Timely Disclosure
- Information related to the Timely Disclosure is ultimately handled and maintained by the IR Division which is in charge of contacting relevant authorities including the TSE, as necessary. The IR Division finalizes the filing text in collaboration with the Corporate Communications Division.
- The general manager of the IR Division will, as necessary, seek for the direction of the chairman of the Disclosure Committee for calling the Disclosure Committee meeting on an ad-hoc basis for urgent and important issues related to Timely Disclosure.
13.Maintenance and update of information on laws, rules and regulations
The IR Division shall maintain and update information on laws, rules and regulations with respect to disclosure and disseminate such information to the relevant divisions of Mitsui. The Global Controller Division and the Finance Division shall maintain and update information on documentation for disclosure and accounting principles and disseminate such information to the relevant divisions.
Moreover, the IR Division shall, as necessary, discuss with the Global Controller Division, the Finance Division and the Strategic & Administrative Legal Division on the interpretations and applications of introduction or amendment of significant laws, rules and regulations with respect to disclosure, and report to the Disclosure Committee as well as the relevant divisions.
14.Amendment to this policy
Amendment to this policy is made based on an exclusive determination by the Disclosure Committee, except for those that are material, which shall be submitted for resolution by the Board of Directors.
Organization chart(Disclosure to investors)
This website contains statements (including figures) regarding Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (“Mitsui”)'s corporate strategies, objectives, and views of future developments that are forward-looking in nature and are not simply reiterations of historical facts. These statements are presented to inform stakeholders of the views of Mitsui's management but should not be relied on solely in making investment and other decisions. You should be aware that a number of important risk factors could lead to outcomes that differ materially from those presented in such forward-looking statements. These include, but are not limited to, (i) change in economic conditions that may lead to unforeseen developments in markets for products handled by Mitsui, (ii) fluctuations in currency exchange rates that may cause unexpected deterioration in the value of transactions, (iii) adverse political developments that may create unavoidable delays or postponement of transactions and projects, (iv) changes in laws, regulations, or policies in any of the countries where Mitsui conducts its operations that may affect Mitsui's ability to fulfill its commitments, and (v) significant changes in the competitive environment. In the course of its operations, Mitsui adopts measures to control these and other types of risks, but this does not constitute a guarantee that such measures will be effective.