
01 Message

CEO Message

We will target new heights as a global company through our continual pursuit of “Challenge and Innovation” under Medium-term Management Plan 2026.

President and Chief Executive Officer / Kenichi Hori

Roundtable Discussion

Business Model

Business Model
“Create” “Grow” “Extend”

We are constantly transforming our global and wide-ranging business portfolio by creating new businesses, nurturing them into core businesses, and forming business clusters with adjacent businesses.
Cross-industry initiatives are necessary to provide real solutions to complicated social issues that cannot be easily resolved by a single business or industry. Mitsui is contributing to resolving complex social issues by creating even greater value through the formation of cross-industry business clusters.

“Challenge and Innovation” Case Study

Enhancing Corporate Value through “Challenge and Innovation”

Linking Our Growth Strategies to Greater Corporate Value

Mitsui will enhance corporate value by creating value, improving growth potential and reducing cost of capital. Through initiatives aimed at creating value in collaboration with our stakeholders, improving our business portfolio, and expanding and strengthening our management capital and foundation, we will create economic and social value in the form of real solutions to social issues, improve growth potential by shifting our owned assets to areas with high potential for earnings and growth, and reduce our cost of capital by building mechanisms and systems to lower future risks.

Growth Strategy

Medium-term Management Plan 2026

Unearth social issues in all industries from
the perspective of global sustainability,
produce new business innovation and
create strong business clusters and new industries

Integrated Report (PDF)