Human Resources Strategy
In May 2023, Mitsui announced Medium-term Management Plan 2026 with the theme of “Creating Sustainable Futures.” We also adopted five corporate strategies, including the human resources strategy, to drive our company-wide efforts toward the realization of the plan.
We regard human capital as an important form of management capital that generates sustainable value, and as a key driving force for the continuous transformation of the business portfolios that generate Mitsui & Co. Group’s competitiveness. To maximize our human capital, we need to steadily put our HR strategy “promotion of globally diverse individuals” into action. To that end, we have identified three key themes: the development of capable individuals, inclusion, and the strategic assignment of personnel. We are implementing specific measures based on these themes.
Building on these three themes, we will accelerate our investment in human resources with the aim of developing policies and environments to support employees’ autonomous career formation through taking up challenges, gaining experience, and always learning.

Employee Engagement
In implementing our management and human resources strategies at Mitsui, we believe it is truly important to maintain a cycle in which each employee understands the thinking behind those strategies in the context of their day-to-day tasks and works toward the sustainable enhancement of corporate value. To facilitate this cycle, we conduct the Mitsui Engagement Survey (MES), which covers Mitsui & Co. Group, every year (it is voluntary for affiliated companies). We have positioned employee engagement as one of the important management indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of our HR strategy, and we use this survey as a tool to perform fixed-point observations of employee engagement and to identify and address issues in organizations.
To ensure the objectivity and transparency of this annual survey, it is outsourced to an external organization to which employees provide their responses directly and anonymously. MES results, which are reflected in analyses and action plans for each region and organization, are used for formulating frontline organizational development measures driven primarily by the employees themselves. Further, since the formulation and execution of human resources strategies and the review of related measures, through the analysis and discussion of survey results in the Executive Committee, are important responsibilities of management team members, changes in the percentages of positive response rate for “Employee engagement “ and “Employees enablement” are one of the factors used to determine remuneration for directors (excluding external directors). Mitsui & Co. Group will continue to link MES results to initiatives to raise employee engagement and thereby aim to achieve sustainable improvement in corporate value.