
Mitsui & Co. (Taiwan), Ltd.

Our Business


Metal Division is working as a solution provider in charge of export business of Taiwan origin products, as well as import business of overseas mill's products, to supply customers with qualified material, logistic service, finance, etc. through our global network.


Machinery Division deal with Infrastructure and Mobility field business. We not only supply various machineries and vessels to major companies in Taiwan, but also directly and indirectly import/export various machineries. Recently, we are focusing on the development of the renewable energy investment projects that can achieve long-term gains.

Basic Chemicals

Basic Chemicals Division handles various kinds of basic chemical materials such as Methanol, Ammonia, Chlor-alkali, olefin, Aromatics, Phenol and its derivatives, Special chemicals etc. In this ever-changing business environment, we continuously make our best efforts to provide high quality service towards customers. With trading as our business foundation, we also seize to serve our customers' needs on oversea business and investments. Futhermore, regarding to ESG/SDGs related topics such as carbon neutral and circular economy, Mitsui & Co. also source with its network around the globe, cooperate with local institutions and companies across different industries to provide the best solutions for our customers.

Performance Chemicals Division

Performance Chemicals Division is engaged in import and domestic sales business of chemical products from inorganic chemicals to functional materials & electronic materials for various applications, and expanding to the export business of high-quality products made in Taiwan through a global network of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. In addition, we also use our accumulated experience in various fields to challenge and launch new businesses.


Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is devoting itself to LNG business, which is highly valued as green energy with less greenhouse effect. Through existing global network, Mitsui successfully bridged the countries with LNG yield and partners then developing the business efficiently. Nowadays, Mitsui also provides various product (e.g. LSFO) to satisfy customers' multiple demands. Then, as a part of circular economy, we positively expand our scale of environmental business by exploring various opportunities of renewable energy and we make contribution to carbon neutral fields by introducing new fuels(Hydrogen etc.), new technology(CCUS) and Carbon credit trading line with current world trend.

Food Stuff

Food Stuff Division is involved in the activities of agri-product imports and exports to meet the needs of every food supply chain. In addition, we are actively participating in the investment of domestic food industry, and food processing technology consultation and licensing.

Retail Business

By utilizing Mitsui's worldwide network, Retail Business Div. pursure our sustainable value provision for consumers by refining our operational functions and demonstrating capabilites in coordination with our clients and partners.
As one example,our marketing function composed by the 4P (Place, Promotion, Product, Price), especially "Place" referring to the realization of "Distribution Channel" and "Warehouse and Logistic," as a Sogo shosha (general trading company), we consider what function we have and where we stand to engage the "DX."
We are also challenging the initiatives of another P as "Promotion." In terms of "Product," cosmetics, consumer product as food & beverage, and food material, packaging material. Considering in traditional culture medical and food come from the same origin, we are also proactive in pharmaceutical medical products.
We will refine, expand, and develop our capabilities so that consumers can realize more prosperous lifestyles and better experiences. We aim to become a leader in forming a consumer-centric ecosystem by creating value with our clients and partners.