
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)

Building international cooperative and CDM-related networks, conducting research, and providing information in order to tackle climate change issues

Activity grant

Project Description

Japan and other developed countries are cooperating internationally to implement measures to tackle climate change in developing countries, including China and India which are expected to have rapid growth in greenhouse gas emissions, and the application of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will be crucial to these efforts. This project involves:
(1) Strengthening partnerships with NGOs, manufacturing industry representatives, and departments responsible for policy both in Japan and abroad, and holding international roundtables and symposiums
(2) Collaborating with research institutions in both Japan and abroad to conduct research and analysis into the current status of CDM use and publish the results
(3) Building a website to disseminate information in Japan and abroad

Climate changeMarine resources/foodPreservation of surface soil and forestsEnergy problemPreservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Grant year
FY2007 Activity Grants
Grant term
3 years
July 2007 - June 2010
Grant amount
15,408,000 yen
Activity region
Japan, India, China, etc.
An international symposium on CDM

Overview of the Organization

Koyu Furusawa, Chief Executive
Koyu Furusawa, Chief Executive
Establishment purpose
In order to solve difficult problems such as environmental destruction, resource depletion, poverty, growing economic inequality, and human rights violations on a global scale, in addition to responding to the problems themselves, we need to improve the makeup of the societies that allow these problems to occur. JACSES was established to realize a sustainable and fair society on a global scale through expert and viable research based on the participation and cooperation of the general public, experts, and practicians (such as government policy makers and corporations), policy recommendations from a completely independent perspective that takes into account society's weakest members, and the provision of information.
Main areas of activity
Japan, Asia, etc.
2 full-time staff members, 4 part-time staff members, and 11 full members
Annual operating budget
21.06 million yen in 2005, 18.25 million yen in 2006, 21.80 million yen in 2007
WEB site
Recent activity
Currently engaged in initiatives such as the 'sustainable society tax system and financial administration program': promoting changes to Japan's tax system and financial administration to make it more environmentally-friendly and fair, in order to realize a fair and sustainable society; the 'sustainable development and aid program': recommending socially and environmentally considerate improvements to policy and projects being implemented by the Japanese government and development assistance agencies; and the 'climate change project': recommending international frameworks for tackling climate change that are appropriate, effective, and fair, such as CDM, for domestic policy mix. Also involved in advancing timely initatives such as the 'sustainable production, consumption, and environmental carrying capacity project', 'the lifestyles and globalization project', the 'privatization and commodification of water project', and the 'Earth Summit follow-up project'.