
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medecine Michito Shimozuru, Associate Professor

How do changes in the food environment caused by global warming impact the brown bear's mode of life?

Research grant

Project Description

This project is a detailed study of the habits of wild brown bears inhabiting the Shiretoko Peninsula, a world heritage site, looking into how annual changes in food resources levels affect them in terms of survival, breeding, and likelihood to venture into areas inhabited by humans. The project aims to 1) clarify the impact of global warming on brown bear modes of life and propose conservation measures, and 2) predict trends that see bears entering human environments and implementing preventative systems for avoiding this.

Ecosystems and the Symbiotic Society
Grant year
FY14/3 Research Grants
Grant term
3 years
April 2015 - March 2018
Grant amount
9,000,000 yen
Activity region
Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan
A brown bear mother and three cubs observed in the research area

Overview of the Organization

Michito Shimozuru, Associate Professor
Michito Shimozuru, Associate Professor
  • Specialist fields
    Wildlife zoology, ethology
  • Affiliated academic societies
    The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, The Mammal Society of Japan, the Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medecine
  • Background
    March 2004 Graduates from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
    April 2007 - March 2008 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2)
    March 2008 Receives doctorate in veterinary science from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture's Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
    April 2008 Appointed assistant professor of Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medecine's Ecology Department (now wildlife zoology department)
    May 2013 - present Associate professor at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medecine's Wildlife Zoology Department
WEB site
Collaborating organization
Shiretoko Nature Foundation, Shiretoko Museum
Research record
  • Shimozuru M., et al., "Pregnancy during hibernation in Japanese black bears: effects on body temperature and blood biochemical profiles." Journal of Mammalogy, 94 (3): 618-627, 2013
  • Shimozuru M., et al., "Changes in expression of hepatic genes involved in energy metabolism during hibernation in captive, adult, female Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus)." Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 163 (2): 254-261, 2012
  • Shimozuru M., et al., "Changes in expression of hepatic genes involved in lipid metabolism during pre-hibernation period in captive adult female Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus)." Canadian Journal of Zoology, 90 (8): 945-954, 2012
  • Kamine A, Shimozuru M., et al., "Effects of intramuscular administration of tiletamine-zolazepam with and without sedative pretreatment on plasma and serum biochemical values and glucose tolerance test results in Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus Japonicus)." American Journal of Veterinary Research, 73 (8): 1282-1289, 2012
  • Kamine A, Shimozuru M., et al., "Changes in blood glucose and insulin responses to intravenous glucose tolerance tests and blood biochemical values in adult female Japanese bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus)," The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 60 (1): 5-13, 2012