
Transfer of Solar Power Business Assets in Higashimatsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture

Dec. 11, 2014

Main Contents

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui," Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO Masami Iijima) has, with the assent and cooperation of Higashimatsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture, reached agreement on the transfer of assets, including a large-scale solar power facility ("Mega Solar Facility") and carports equipped with rooftop solar power systems (Carport Systems), to The Trans Value Trust Company, Limited ("Trans Value Trust," Head Office: Tokyo, President: Koji Sugitani).

Mitsui has been involved in the launch of this solar power project as part of its contribution to recovery efforts in Higashimatsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture through business activities since the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. The business is now operating successfully, and the assets will therefore be transferred to Trans Value Trust, which will form a civil fund based on participation by residents and companies in Higashimatsushima City, with the aim of supporting recovery from a longer-term perspective through the return of gains to the business community and people of that city. The Mega Solar Facility and the Carport Systems will continue to be operated by Mitsui & Co. Plant Systems, Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo, President: Naosuke Senzaki) and Mitsui & Co. Facilities Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo, President: Toshiya Matsuda).

Outline of Solar Power Project in Higashimatsushima City

Project name Higashimatsushima City Solar Power Project (Okumatsushima Kizuna Solar Park, Higashimatsushima Kizuna Carport Facilities)
Module capacity Total: 3,851kW
Location Mega Solar Facility: Site of former Okumatsushima Park (Nobiru district of Higashimatsushima City)
Carport Facilities: Three public parking lots in central Higashimatsushima City
Start of operations Mega Solar Facility: August 2013, Carport Facilities: March 2013
Project period 20 years from start of operations

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Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
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