Marketplace for carbon credits /e-dash Carbon Offset - Green&Circular Decabonization Solution|MITSUI & CO., LTD.


Marketplace for carbon credits /e-dash Carbon Offset

In addition to the "e-dash" visualization solution, e-dash offers "e-dash Carbon Offset," an online marketplace where customers can easily purchase carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions that they are unable to reduce on their own.
In addition to voluntary credits created overseas, "e-dash Carbon Offset" offers the first private-sector initiative in Japan to broker and sell J-credits in an online marketplace as a concrete emission reduction measure after visualization.
Carbon credits can be purchased in small necessary quantities, helping not only some large companies but also many other companies to easily engage in decarbonization.
Based on the e-dash visualization solution, e-dash Carbon Offset, after visualization, provides comprehensive support for corporate decarbonization, including switching to electricity, selling non-fossil certificates, and supporting the introduction of renewable energy.

→View e-dash Carbon Offset (Marketplace).
To learn more about e-dash, click here

If you are interested in trading carbon credits, please contact us by clicking "Contact Us" below.

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