EN - Green&Circular 脱炭素ソリューション|三井物産

Decarbonization Solution Green&Circular


The early realization of carbon neutrality,
which means virtually eliminating greenhouse gas emissions,
is an important challenge for all people and companies engaged in economic activities.

The early realization of carbon neutrality, which means virtually eliminating greenhouse gas emissions, is an important challenge for all people and companies engaged in economic activities.

“To create an eco-friendly society,” Mitsui is developing and providing a wide variety of decarbonization solutions through alliance with partners, cross-industry collaboration, and related innovation efforts, in addition to emission reduction efforts related to its own related businesses.
We will always challenge ourselves to work together on green transformation to meet the various decarbonization needs of our customers and to nurture the seeds that will make the circular economy a reality.

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Steps to
Addressing Decarbonization

Decarbonization is not going to happen overnight, and we recommend breaking it down into several steps.The first step is to “visualize” your company’s emissions situation, and then consider whether you can reduce emissions by “reducing resource use.
On the other hand, while looking for means to “replace fossil fuels” such as renewable energy, it is also necessary to consider offsetting emissions that cannot be reduced by “absorbing CO2”.

Here are the various solutions Mitsui offers to support our customers from each of these perspectives.

Understand emissions

Reduce resource use

Substitute fossil fuels

Absorb CO2



Solutions that contribute to the fixation and absorption of CO2 in the atmosphere through forest protection and forest management, and offset the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be fully reduced through the purchase of carbon credits.

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