
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (NPO)

Digging wells for a village and wild elephant sanctuary in Sabah, Malaysia, and talking with local people about conservation

Activity grant

Project Description

Borneo Conservation Trust Japan and Asahiyama Zoo has been active in protecting biodiversity together with the Sabah Wildlife Authority for 10 years.
The group jointly established a temporary sanctuary for wild elephants in 2012 (BES).
Elephants require a large amount of water, and therefore BES used tubes to source water from a water pipe along the national highway. However due to frequent water supply outages, securing a reliable fresh water supply has been a major challenge. In order to expand BES, a greater supply of water is required, so a well will be constructed to meet the needs of the sanctuary. The Japanese zoo will provide technical advice and support for the nurturing of elephants and contruction of the well. Furthermore, the village which BES uses to transport feed is currently heavily involved in eco tours, and although it built a well, it is currently not working. Togther with villagers, the group will construct a well, and at the same time work to improve understanding of wild animals, thereby acheiveing the protection of biodiversity together with the local community. [No. K18-0035]

Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund FY2018 Activity Grants List (PDF 372KB)

Ecosystems and the Symbiotic Society
Grant year
FY2018 Activity Grants
Grant term
2 years (April 2019 - March 2021)
Grant amount
Activity region
Sabah, Malaysia
Elephants who cause agricultural damage are captured and returned to the forest. Cages made in Japan.

Overview of the Organization

Representative: Mariko Morii
Project organization
Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (NPO)
Board member: Mariko Morii
Establishment Purpose
In Borneo, oil palm plantations have been rapidly expanding since the 1990s, and wildlife has been decreasing in population and genetic diversity due to habitat loss and fragmentation. In particular, Borneo elephants have a habitat that overlaps with humans, and friction isincreasing. Work involved will recruit local people to conserve Borneo's biodiversity. In addition, environmental education will be provided to children in Japan and Malaysia, and the next generation will be connected to a society where wildlife and humans can coexist.
Recent Activities
  • The Green Corridor Project: Reconnects blocks of fragmented forest lands along the Kinabatangan River in order to create "corridors" of forest through which wild animals can freely and safely travel.
  • The Return to Borneo Project: Supports construction and operation of protected facilities for Borneo elephants who cause serious agricultural damage.
  • Environmental education: Considers symbiosis with wildlife and specific topics such as palm oil usage which is necessary for human life but has a large environmental impact
  • Other projects including the development of a suspension bridge for orangutans, hornbill conservation, milk for orphan elephants, etc.
Number of Full-time employee: 1 / Number of Part timers: 2 / Number of Members: 280
WEB site
Voice of Representative
The alternative choice of "development or maintenance" is not a realistic solution. Moreover, environmental problems are not problems for only the people living in a particularly affected land, but problems that are imposed on all of humanity. We want the next generation to understand the severity of these issues and to search for solutions with their own power.