
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

NPO Ukishimanuma Shizen Satozukuri no Kai

Conserving the Ukishimagahara wetlands in Numazu, at the foot of Mt. Fuji, which are a habitat for category IB endangered species such as lysimachia

Activity grant

Project Description

The Ukishimagahara wetlands that stretch from Fuji to Numazu used to be a tresure trove of wetland plant species, but now the wetlands are disappearing due to water control measures, drainage work, and land reclamation, and rare Japanese lysimachia and seven other important species are in danger of extinction. This project aims to conserve these species through research, monitoring, planting and awareness-raising activities. Specifically, this will involve: (1) transfering important plants from their original habitat to abandoned farmland specially prepared for their cultivation, and monitoring and recording their progress, (2) raising awareness by holding observation tours for local residents, lectures at elementary schools, and creating and distributing an Ukishimagahara guidebook, (3) cultivating organic rice using azolla japonica as a fertilizer, and (4) conducting exchnage activities with a German organization.

Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Grant year
FY2008 Activity Grants
Grant term
3 years
October 2008 - September 2011
Grant amount
2,700,000 yen
Activity region
Ukishima region (Ukishimagahara), Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
An observation tour of wild grasses that grow in the Ukishimagahara biotope

Overview of the Organization

Akinori Katsui, Director
Akinori Katsui, Director
Establishment purpose
The Ukishimagahara wetlands in Numazu once harboured a great diversity of life, but ecosystems are disappearing as a result of human activity and the environment that serves as a habitat for wildlife is changing dramatically. This group wants to preserve the few remaining native wetland plant species, protect wildlife from the threat of extinction, and provide opportunities for a wide range of people, especially local residents, to enjoy and learn about the nature of Ukishimagahara with the aim of realizing local development which facilitates the coexistence of people with nature.
Main area of activity
Ukishima region (Ukishimagahara), Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
36 full members
Annual operating budget
260,000 yen in 2005, 310,000 yen in 2006, 270,000 yen in 2007
WEB site
Recent activities
The group conducts the following conservation initiatives and activities to increase awareness and understanding of Ukishimagahara's natural environment:
  • (1) Conserving and propogating wetland plant species by transferring them to abandoned farm land, and protecting azolla japonica, a category II endangered species, by implementing trial schemes demonstrating its nitrogen-fixing proporties as a fertilizer.
  • (2) Collaborating with Numazu city to turn a manmade pond next to Numazu Aqua Plaza into a biotope, planting wetland plants, and cutting reeds to encourage growth twice a year.
  • (3) Holding lectures and workshops once a year.
  • (4) Holding wild grass, wild birds, and dragonfly observation tours several times a year.
  • (5) Issuing reports three or four times a year.
  • (6) Holding an educational course centered on observation in the wild for elementary school students in the Numazu area.
  • (7) Conducting exchange with a German nature conservation group.