
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

GreenWood Nature Experience Education Centre

An eco-project visualizing the educational capabilities contributing to environmental preservation inherent to living in remote mountain villages

Activity grant

Project Description

Recently, the values and education inherent in farming and mountain villages with recycling-based societies are being reviewed, however very few educational programs are reflecting these changes in society and in school education - western programs, on the other hand, are at their best. This organization was established 15 years ago to provide educational programs reflecting the educational capabilities inherent to rural villages in collaboration with local residents, schools, administration and agriculture and forestry industries in Yasuoka, Nagano Prefecture. Our activities clarify the educational capabilities contributing to environmental preservation and develop and expand educational programs related to this message as well as establishing investigative committees composed of various entities from the region and surveying the people of Yasuoka regarding this inherent educational capability. In addition, we will conduct surveys in similar regions across the country in order to compare data and work towards defining educational capability.

Climate changeMarine resources/foodPreservation of surface soil and forestsEnergy problem
Grant year
FY2009 Activity Grants
Grant term
1 year
April 2010 - March 2011
Grant amount
2,900,000 yen
Activity region
Yasuoka, Shimoina, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Children studying in the mountain village carry thinned wood to be used for fuel

Overview of the Organization

Hideyuki Tsuji, President
Hideyuki Tsuji, President
Establishment purpose
This organization was established as an NPO under the authority of the Cabinet Office with the aim to expand and develop nature experience education activities, promote these activities to make use of the rich environment in Japan, as well to nurture youth and contribute to creating an affluent, leisurely lifestyle. In particular, we are implementing a variety of nature education programs in the forests and rivers to support the next generation and foster an enriched mind and a strength to live.
Main areas of activity
Yasuoka, Shimoina, Nagano Prefecture
14 full-time staff members, 1 part-time staff member, 300 full members
Annual operating budget
84.41 million yen in 2007, 107.15 million yen in 2008, 105.29 million yen in 2009
WEB site
Key activities
  • (1) 20 children gathered from across the country to spend 1 year together in a long-term study away program in a mountain village, "Living School Daidara-bochi"
  • (2) In the Summer and Winter vacation period, 1,500 children from across the nation gather at nature experience education camp; Sanzoku Camp in Shinshu
  • (3) "Inadani anjane nature school" a place where local children can learn about the region's history, culture and nature
  • (4) "Teacher training project" training youth leaders who will carry on education of the next generation
  • (5) Research survey, response advisory business