
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

The University of Tokyo Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science Ai Hiramatsu, specially appointed assistant professor

Urban-rural blending strategy in Asian city suburbs based on the spatial scale of resource cycles

Research grant

Project Description

The rapid growth of Asian cities and their economies is impacting the environment on a global scale. A characteristic of development in Asian cities is a mixing of urban and rural elements, so the simplistic application of refined European and North American models for spatial planning does not work. Instead of seperating these urban and rural aspects, there is a need to create and share a vision that merges these together in the form of a recycling-based society. With this in mind, this research aims to realize a harmonious blend of urban and rural elements by considering land utilization plans that include resource recyling, effective energy use, and ways of introducing these. It will create a policy vision based on real sites on the outskirts of Tianjin, China, and Bangkok, Thailand. Specifically, this will involve analysing factors such as population trends in the regions, water usage, nutrient usage cycles, and biomass demand, and establishing scenarios for effective resource and energy use that consider the spatial scale of resource cycles. It will also receive onsite support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China and Kasetsart University in Thailand.

Climate changeEnergy problem
Grant year
FY2007 Research Grants
Grant term
2 years
April 2008 - March 2010
Grant amount
5,442,360 yen
Activity region
Thailand, China
Investigating the recycling of waste products in Thailand

Overview of the Organization

Ai Hiramatsu, specially appointed assistant professor
Ai Hiramatsu, specially appointed assistant professor
Specialist fields
Urban environmental engineering, global warming, waste management
Affiliated academic societies
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Center for Environmental Information Science
Graduated from the University of Tokyo Department of Urban Engineering with a doctorate in engineering.
Hirotaka Matsuda and Ryo Honda, specially appointed assistant professors, The University of Tokyo Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science
Research record
  • (1) A. Hiramatsu, Y. Hara, M. Sekiyama, R. Honda, C.Chiemchaisri : "Municipal solid waste flow and waste generation characteristics in an urban-rural fringe area in Thailand." Waste Management & Research (in press)
  • (2) A. A. Hiramatsu, Y. Hara, M. Sekiyama, R. Honda: "Research on land usage and resource usage cycles in adjacent rural and urban areas in Nonthaburi Province." 35th Environment systems research thesis lecture collection pp.151-157 (2007)
  • (3) Thai waste disposal information/ Chinese waste disposal information: Environment Preservation Times June-September 2007 edition, Japan Association of Environment Preservation