
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Shunsuke Managi, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University

Analysis and policy recommendations for futuristic urban transportation systems that will support a low-carbon-emitting and sustainable society

Research grant

Project Description

Based on the evaluation of technology for individual transportation stages, the urban structure (such as the compact city) and spatial arrangement of cities, and transport infrastructure and other related planning theory, make simulations of the designs of future transport systems that will support society of the future, and analyze and assess from the perspectives of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and the social and economic factors accompanying the introduction of such a system. In particular, develop economic evaluation methods for a highly mature technical system related to urban transport. While including the evaluation of technologies and systems of movement and transport that match the local community, seek policy recommendations for strategies for selecting technologies or introducing systems that will lead to regional revitalization.

Climate changeEnergy problem
Grant year
FY2010 Research Grants
Grant term
2 years
April 2011 - March 2013
Grant amount
14,950,000 yen
Activity region
All of Japan
Research background

Overview of the Organization

Shunsuke Managi, Associate Professor
Shunsuke Managi, Associate Professor
Specialist fields
Anthropology, sociology, religious studies
Affiliated academic societies
The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Association for Religious Studies
Graduated from the Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo, 1976; Completed Masters course (Master of Literature), Faculty of Letters, the University of Tokyo, 1978; Completed studies (Doctor of Ethnology) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France), 1985; Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1985; Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature, Kyushu University 1988; Professor, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, 1997; Professor, National Museum of Ethnology, 2001
WEB site
Takashi Iida (Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology); Takeshi Sasaki (Manager, Lifelong Learning, Otsuchi Town Office); Boris Wastiau (Director, Musée d'ethnographie de Genève); Paul Faber (Senior Curator, Amsterdam Tropenmuseum)
Research record
  • (1) Shouichirou TAKEZAWA (ed.) 2011, Imin no Youroppa (Immigrant Europe) Akashi Shoten
  • (2) Shouichirou TAKEZAWA, 2010 Shakai to wa Nanika (What is society?) Chuoikoron Shinsha
  • (3) Shouichirou TAKEZAWA, 2008 Saban'na no Kawa no Min—Kioku to Katari no Esunogurafi (People of the Savanna River - ethnography of memory and talking) Sekaishishosha
  • (4) Shouichirou TAKEZAWA, 2007 Jinruigakuteki Shikou no Rekishi (History of anthropological thought) Sekaishishosha
  • (5) Shouichirou TAKEZAWA, 2001 Hyoushou no Shokuminchi Teikoku (Representational colonial empires) *Sekaishishosha
  • (6) Takezawa Shoichiro & Mamadou Cisse, (Forth Coming), "Discovery of the Earliest Royal Palace in Gao Region and Its Implication for the History of West Africa, Cahiers d'etudes africaines,