
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Tsuyoshi Hara, Research Leader, Environmental Japan Studies Research Group, Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies

The creation of a new ecosystem service developed through the traditions of Japanese culture (1) / Preliminary examination aimed at the realization of a long-term research concept

Research grant

Project Description

Conduct preliminary examination aimed at the realization of a long-term research concept to create a new ecosystem service and develop it horizontally. Attempt to analyze and evaluate the effects of field activities. Engage in practical work to protect the environment in the field (hilly and mountainous areas). Using data sampled on-site, attempt to integrate the data and perform factor analysis of the expression of effects. At the same time, analyze solid samples (thought to be formed as a result of the field activities) taken from downstream areas. Confirm the presence of divalent Fe ions and silicate ions that are said to encourage good fishing grounds. Based on these results, gain an understanding of the relationship between the organization of mountainous areas and the maintenance of the bounty of the sea.

Marine resources/foodPreservation of surface soil and forestsEnergy problemPreservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Grant year
FY2010 Research Grants
Grant term
1 years
April 2011 - March 2012
Grant amount
2,990,000 yen
Activity region
Nakahata-machi, Yamagata Prefecture; Minamimachi Fujiwara, Gumna Prefecture; Shibecha-chou, Hokkaido, Japan
Setting up nesting boxes for the Shimakuro owl and planting forests along the riverside at Shibecha-chou

Overview of the Organization

Tsuyoshi Hara, Research Leader
Tsuyoshi Hara, Research Leader
Specialist fields
Agricultural economics, environmental sociology
Affiliated academic societies
Japanese Forum of Environmental Journalists
Director of Science, Tokyo Head Office, Mainichi Shimbun; editorial writer; Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University; Special professor, Waseda University (Guidance of research and education at Waseda University and at Waseda University/Beijing University Environmental Collaborative Graduate University
Waseda Environmental Round Table/Program officer and researcher/Narumi Yoshikawa
Research record
Publications (single author)
  • (1) Kankyou ga Nou o Kitaeru (The Environment Improves Agriculture) (Waseda University Publications Department, 2007)
  • (2) Nou Kara Kankyou o Kangaeru (Thinking About the Environment from the Perspective of Agriculutre) (Shueisha 2001)
  • (3) Nihon no NouGyou (Japanese Agriculture) (Iwanami Shoten 1994)
P (Publication (co-authored))
  • (4) Guroubarizeishon-ka no Higashiajia no Nougyou to Nouson (East Asian Agriculture and Farming Communities Under Globalization) (Fujiwara Shoten, 1994)
  • (5) Nouson to Toshi no Kyousei to Kouryuu (Symbiosis and Exchange Between Rural and Urban Areas); Nouson Shizen Kankyou no Hozen Fukugen (Conservation and Restoration of the Rural Natural Environment) Asakura Shoten 2004)
  • (6) Takahata: Yuukimunouyaku Nouhou ga Motarashita Mono (Takahata: What Organic Pesticide Farming Methods Brought) (in relation to agricultural administration) (Kan, Issue no. 40, Fujiwara Shoten , 2010)
  • (7) Nougyou Nouson Chiiki Kankyou no Hozen no Kadai to Houhou (Issues and Methods of Conservation of Agricultural Rural Environments) (From the activities of Shinrinjukuseisui); Wagakuni Nougyou Nouson no Saiki (The Recovery of Agriculture and Rural Communities in Japan) Nouson Toukei Kyoukai, 2009)