
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies Professor and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Director Sukawa Asuka

Establishment of environmental, energy, and industrial policy that simultaneously achieves economic development, reductions in nuclear power, and the prevention of global warming

Research grant

Project Description

The project will first conduct economic analysis utilizing economic models on the three aspects of antinuclear scenarios, the separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission and institutional design, and calculations on potential energy savings and institutional design for promoting energy saving in order to clarify the energy mix for each scenario, as well as the economic impact and greenhouse gas emissions for each scenario. At the same time, the project will conduct economic analyses on specific projects in regions and research cases of the separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission and energy savings in foreign countries. Based on these result, we will provide concrete policy proposals on energy and global warming policies in Japan.

Climate changeEnergy problem
Grant year
FY2011 Research Grants
Grant term
1 years
April 2012 - March 2013
Grant amount
4,990,000 yen
Activity region
Japan, China, USA
Introduction of a water turbine created by a millwright

Overview of the Organization

Professor and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Director Sukawa Asuka
Professor and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Director Sukawa Asuka
Specialist field
Sustainable energy policy theory
Affiliated academic societies
Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Japan Association for Asian Studies
Acquired a master's degree in agriculture at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, acquired a master's degree in business administration from the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD), and acquired a doctoral degree in advanced science and technology from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering. Reached current position after serving positions including researcher at the Swiss Laboratory for Experimental Surgery, product manager in the administrative department of Pharmacia Biosystems, and researcher at the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Socio-economic Research Center. Additional professional experience include serving as visiting assistant professor at the Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University and a visiting researcher at the Asahi Newspaper Asia Network.
Collaborating organizations
Kyushu University, Tokyo Keizai University, Asahikawa University, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Research record
Books authored include "Answering Nearly All Your Questions on Global Warming!" (Iwanami Shoten, 2009), "Annual Chinese Environment Handbook" (edited by Chinese Environment Research Institute, Sososha, co-authored), "Skeptical Criticism of Global Warming" (The University of Tokyo Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), 2009, co-authored), etc. Paper include "The Day Japan Failed in Global Warming Diplomacy" in "The World" (April 2012 issue, Iwanami Shoten), "Comparative Assessment and Development Course of Measures to Utilize Carbon Credits by the Japanese Government" in "Environmental Economics and Policy Studies" (Vol. 2., No. 1, 2009, Iwanami Shoten), "What is Meaningful Participation by China? Decoding the Global Warming Countermeasure Targets of the Chinese Government and Low-Carbon Society Development Scenarios" in "The World" (January 2010 issue, Iwanami Shoten), etc.