
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University Professor Tsuneo Takeuchi

Achievements and challenges in regional climate policy through international networks in Europe

Research grant

Project Description

This research focuses on international networks for local government climate policy through the Covenant of Mayors deployed in Europe in order to clarify achievements and challenges. In particular, a survey will be conducted that focuses on regional energy policy. Specifically, we will conduct interviews with the Covenant of Mayors Office and local governments within the EU to clarify country policies, differences in systems, and the authorities of regions, and to survey how local government climate policies are being deployed. In addition, we will conduct a survey on the current state of regional climate policy in Japan, and conduct an international comparison with the EU. Through this analysis, we will clarify the challenges for regional climate policy in Japan, and develop policy recommendations.

Climate changeEnergy problem
Grant year
FY2011 Research Grants
Grant term
2 years
April 2012 - March 2014
Grant amount
5,960,000 yen
Activity region
Europe (Germany, Belgium, Italy, and Spain)
Symposium sponsored by the Covenant of Mayors Office that was held during EU Sustainable Energy Week (Brussels)

Overview of the Organization

Professor Tsuneo Takeuchi
Professor Tsuneo Takeuchi
Specialist field
Environmental policy
Affiliated academic societies
Society of Environmental Science, Japan, Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis
Graduated from Graduate School/School of Economics in 1976 (bachelor's degree in economics). Served at the Environment Agency, Ministry of the Environment from 1977 to 2006. During that period, conducted National Personnel Authority administrator research abroad (University of Bonn, Free University of Berlin) from 1981-83, and served as visiting researcher at Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy from 1999-2000, researcher at the National Institute for Environmental Studies from 2004-2005, researcher at Institute for Global Environmental Strategies from 2004-2005, and current position from 2006.
WEB site
Collaborating researchers
Miranda A. Schreurs (Free University of Berlin, Environmental Policy Research Centre Director), Climate Alliance, Noriko Sugiyama (Nagoya University)
Research record
"Environmental structure reform: Experiences in Germany (2004, Recycle Bunkash), "Integration of the environment and social welfare" (co-authored, 2008, Yuhikaku), "Environment: Sustainable economic systems" (co-authored, 2009, Keisoshobo), "The world of social environment studies" (co-authored, 2010, Nippon Hyoron), "Low carbon cities: Building cities in the future" (co-authored, 2010, Gakugei Shuppan), "Water environmental studies " (co-authored, 2011, The University of Nagoya Press), "Two forms of warming: Global warming and heat islands (co-authored, 2011, Seibundoh)