
Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute

by Category



Dec. 12, 2019

How Prime Minister Abiy Envisions “New Ethiopia”: Moving Towards People’s Reconciliation and Sustainable Economic Development

Oct. 15, 2019

China Exploring Ways to Adjust Belt and Road Initiative —Compromising to Meet International Standards and the Limits of Such Adjustments —

Sep. 10, 2019

Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships:Development Trends and Prospects — How Digitalization Drivies Changes in Maritime Industry—

Aug. 13, 2019

Central Asia Undergoing a Remarkable Transformation: Belt and Road Initative and Intra Regional Cooperation

Jun. 18, 2019

Development trends and prospects for eVTOL: a new mode of air mobility

Apr. 9, 2019

China's Belt and Road Initiative in South Asia – Strengths and Issues of Chinese Economic Cooperation Seen in Bangladesh –

Mar. 25, 2019

Megacities in Southeast Asia - The Progression of Unipolar Concentration and Expansion into the Suburbs -

Feb. 18, 2019

Comparing Pursuits of 100% Renewable Energy by Germany and California, and Future of Power System