Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui", Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichi Hori) has selected the healthcare innovation hub development project in Africa and the private rocket launch testing facility development project in Hokkaido (see Note) to receive grants through the Mitsui & Co. Co-creation Fund (the "Fund"). The Fund was established in March 2023 to provide grants and other types of support toward the solution of societal issues and the realization of a sustainable society through collaboration between issue finders (NPOs, researchers, social entrepreneurs, etc., working to discover and address societal issues), and Mitsui officers and employees.
1. Healthcare innovation hub development project in Africa
Grant amount | ¥66,995,000 |
Recipient | CA Medlynks Kenya Limited ("CA MEDLYNKS"; Head Office: Nairobi, Kenya) |
Issue finder | Yoichi Shimada, CEO, CA MEDLYNKS |
Target issue | Lack of research and diagnostic infrastructure for endemic diseases in Africa |
In addition to the big three infectious diseases—HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria—there are many other endemic diseases in Africa that tend to be overlooked. The threat of non-infectious conditions, such as cancer and lifestyle diseases, is also increasing rapidly. In addition to government institutions, private-sector researchers, research organizations, and businesses have also traditionally played an important role in research and diagnostic activities targeting these diseases. However, there is a lack of both research and diagnostic facilities and equipment, as well as support for the promotion of research activities.
CA MEDLYNKS is a subsidiary of the healthcare start-up Connect Afya (Head Office: Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, CEO: Yoichi Shimada), which provides testing infrastructure and diagnostic services in Africa. CA MEDLYNKS is working in collaboration with local medical institutions, researchers, and research organizations to build an ecosystem for efforts to address the issues outlined above and support disease research and diagnostic services in Africa. By providing a grant through the Fund, Mitsui aims to support creation of an innovation hub where local researchers can access state-of-the-art research and diagnostic equipment. Mitsui will use its business experience and networks in Africa to assist CA MEDLYNKS to build innovation hub.
Company Profile
Official name | CA Medlynks Kenya Limited |
Head office location | Nairobi, Republic of Kenya |
Established | 2018 |
Representative | Yoichi Shimada |
Number of employees | 21 |
Business activities | Clinical testing, wholesaling of clinical medical equipment and operation of clinics |
Website |
2. Private-sector rocket launch testing facility development project in Hokkaido
Grant amount | ¥100,000,000 |
Recipient | SPACE COTAN Co., Ltd. ("SC"; Head Office: Taiki-cho, Hokkaido) |
Issue finder | Daisuke Ode, COO, SC |
Target issue | Slow initial development of the space industry due to a lack of sub-orbital rocket test-launch facilities |
Many private-sector rocket businesses and universities need test-launch facilities of sub-orbital rockets reaching inner space at an altitude of 100km, for use in their initial development activities in preparation for the eventual launch of orbital rockets capable of launching satellites. However, Japan lacks sub-orbital rocket launch facilities available for use by private-sector businesses, universities, and other organizations. Owned by the town of Taiki-cho, Hokkaido and managed and operated by SC, Hokkaido Spaceport ("HOSPO") is a commercial spaceport available for private-sector use. In the longer-term future, SC aims to develop the private-sector space industry in Asia while contributing to sustainable social development through the launch of orbital rockets and the collection and utilization of satellite data as part of efforts to solve various societal issues, including GHG monitoring, natural disaster responses, and closing the regional digital divide. By providing a grant through the Fund, Mitsui will assist to contribute to the growth of the Japanese space industry, including SC's development of launch sites for sub-orbital rockets. Mitsui will also use its knowledge of the industry to approach local businesses, local governments, and other stakeholders, carry out marketing targeted toward rocket-related businesses in Japan and overseas, and support sub-orbital rocket launch activities by universities and other organizations.
Company Profile
Official name | SPACE COTAN Co., Ltd. |
Head office location | Taiki-cho, Hiroo-gun, Hokkaido, Japan |
Established | 2021 |
Representative | Yoshinori Odagiri (CEO) |
Number of employees | 8 |
Business activities | General management of HOSPO operations (management and operation of facilities and equipment, support for the procurement of finance, design of launch facilities, launch support, PR activities, etc.) |
Website |
Note: The "Healthcare innovation hub development project in Africa" was selected before the formal establishment of the Fund as a trial initiative for the design of the Fund’s systems. The “Private-sector rocket launch testing facility development project in Hokkaido” is the first project selected after the formal establishment of the Fund.

Mitsui’s Materiality
“Build brighter futures, everywhere” as our corporate mission, and to gain the trust and expectations of our stakeholders to realize a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world, we have identified five material issues (“Materiality”) for Mitsui’s sustainable growth. We anticipate this particular project/ business to contribute especially to the realization of “Enhance quality of life” and “Develop talent leading to value creation”
Secure sustainable supply of essential products
Enhance quality of life
Create an eco-friendly society
Develop talent leading to value creation
Build an organization with integrity