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Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui", Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichi Hori) will introduce a new personnel system ("the New Personnel System") on July 1, 2024. Under the New Personnel System, the conventional "Business Staff" and "Administrative Staff" categories that consist of full-time employees will be abolished and integrated under the full-time employee framework. This will allow the diverse individuals working for Mitsui to pursue their desired career paths with greater autonomy in a wide range of fields.
People are Mitsui's most important assets. These diverse individuals come with varied backgrounds and strengths, and they create new value worldwide by working together and making optimal use of Mitsui's management resources to create, grow, and extend business.
We have concluded that for such diverse individuals to work even more energetically and fully realize their potential on a global group basis Mitsui needs a new system that will allow them to form their careers flexibly around their personal career plans and life plans in a truly inclusive corporate culture, in which people respect, accept, and elevate each other as professionals.
The "Business Staff" category, which places no limits on work locations, and "Administrative Staff" category, which stipulates work within the same region in Japan, will be abolished. Employees in both categories will be fully integrated under the full-time employee framework subject to the same working conditions and treatment. In addition, individuals will be able to select periodically between transferability options according to their career plans and increasingly diverse life plans. The "Global" option will place no limitations on employment locations, while the "Regional" option will limit employment to specific locations.
Employees will be broadly divided into three professional groups based on the characteristics of the tasks required to create and administer Mitsui's businesses. The three professional groups will serve as signposts for employees to draw up their career plans autonomously. Employees will be able to switch between those groups subject to the confirmation of assignments based on discussions with their supervisors. It will be also possible to choose between "Global" and "Regional" options within each professional group.
In an era characterized by increasingly complex social issues and growing uncertainties in the business environment, Mitsui is determined to overcome every change and drive growth for future generations by uniting the strengths of diverse and highly energetic individuals as a group of professionals.
Mitsui’s Materiality
“Build brighter futures, everywhere” as our corporate mission, and to gain the trust and expectations of our stakeholders to realize a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world, we have identified five material issues (“Materiality”) for Mitsui’s sustainable growth. We anticipate this particular project/ business to contribute especially to the realization of “Develop talent leading to value creation”
Secure sustainable supply of essential products
Enhance quality of life
Create an eco-friendly society
Develop talent leading to value creation
Build an organization with integrity