
Mitsui's Head Office Selected for Creative Office Award in 34th Nikkei New Office Awards—A New Head Office that Brings People Together and Accelerates Intellectual Fusion

Sep. 8, 2021

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui", Head Office: Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichi Hori) has won the Creative Office Award in the 34th Nikkei New Office Awards co-sponsored by Nikkei Inc. and the New Office Promotion Association.

Office Concept: New Head Office that Brings People Together and Accelerates Intellectual Fusion

Mitsui wanted its new Head Office to be a place that would bring people together and accelerate intellectual fusion. In line with this concept, we sought to create a space where the strengths and productivity of the organization could be harnessed to drive corporate evolution and transformation, where communication across organizational boundaries could be facilitated primarily through "camps"* devoted to different purposes, and where new value could be created through the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and specialized skills within and beyond the company.
The entire Mitsui & Co. group will continue to provide new value for society.

*The three main camps are CAMP SOCIAL, CAMP CO-WORK, and CAMP FOCUS. There is also the area, which is devoted to digital transformation (DX). The new Head Office also features strategic access control that allows external visitors accompanied by Mitsui employees to be invited into the building. The building is designed to facilitate interaction in spaces devoted to particular activities.

"Work-X" Change Management Initiatives

Mitsui formulated the "Work-X" concept as its approach to the creation of workplace experiences that would lead to the realization of the new workstyles presented in its vision for the future. After formulating conduct guidelines for the new workstyles and policies that anticipate office management after the transition, we are now implementing change management through a dedicated organization and planning initiatives and office management systems to ensure the continuing creation of value in the post-transition environment.

The Nikkei New Office Awards

Co-sponsored by the New Office Promotion Association and Nikkei Inc., the Nikkei New Office Awards were instituted to encourage the development of better office environments. They are presented in recognition of creativity and ingenuity in office design. A total of 152 nominations were received for the 34th Nikkei New Office Awards, which were also supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. One entry was selected for the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry's Award, and four for the Creative Office Award.

CAMP SOCIAL—a space for building empathy and sharing tacit knowledge with colleaguesCAMP SOCIAL—a space for building empathy and sharing tacit knowledge with colleagues
Representative Director, Executive Managing Officer Chief Human Resources Officer, Yoshiaki Takemasu (center), and project members.Representative Director, Executive Managing Officer Chief Human Resources Officer, Yoshiaki Takemasu (center), and project members.

Mitsui’s Materiality

“Build brighter futures, everywhere” as our corporate mission, and to gain the trust and expectations of our stakeholders to realize a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world, we have identified five material issues (“Materiality”) for Mitsui’s sustainable growth. We anticipate this particular project/ business to contribute especially to the realization of “Enhance quality of life” and “Develop talent leading to value creation”

  • Secure sustainable supply of essential products

    Secure sustainable supply of essential products

  • Enhance quality of life

    Enhance quality of life

  • Create an eco-friendly society

    Create an eco-friendly society

  • Develop talent leading to value creation

    Develop talent leading to value creation

  • Build an organization with integrity

    Build an organization with integrity
