
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

The Seub Nakhasathien Foundation (recommended by overseas office)

Integrate the values of biological diversity into the Thailand's natural resources administration activities

Activity grant

Project Description

Great efforts have been taken so far to avert the depletion of biodiversity in Thailand but assessment results show that depletion is expected to continue
5 Thai groups that are members of IUCN Thailand, including this group have coordinated with the IUCN Thailand Program Office to take up biodiversity issues in Thailand and to introduce biodiversity guidleines in Thailand's natural resources administration activities, and aim to raise awareness of the people of Thailand through the following initiatives:
(1) Assess the current administration of biodiversity in the ecologies of mountain forests, cities, agricultural areas and inland waterways and lakes and propose solutions to administration issues
(2) Using seven regional forums raise public awareness of the importance of biodiversity and the threats posed by depletion, and through holding seminars nationwide demonstrate practical examples of biodiversity administration
(3) Through training corses and workshops seek to enahnce administraion by regional government bodies, and support biodiversity pilot projects
(4) Support the production of written materials, reports and press releases, and raise the awareness of citizens and other stakeholders

Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Grant year
FY2010 Activity Grants
Grant term
1 year
October 2010 - September 2011
Grant amount
7,584,246 yen
Activity region
Research activities on biodiversity in Thailand

Overview of the Organization

Rattaya Camtain, Chair-woman
Rattaya Camtain, Chair-woman
Establishment purpose
This group was established in 1990 to commemorate the tragic death of Seub Nakhasathien, who was widely revered for his work as a biologist for the Thai Department of National Parks and for his work as Superintendent of Huai Kah Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary. It was established with the clear objective of realizing the goals of Seub Nakhasathien regarding the protection of the natural environment and of wildlife and aims to achieve the harmonious co-existence of forests, wildlife and people.
Main areas of activity
Number of staff
30 full-time staff members, 17 part-time staff members, 1000 full members
Annual operating budget
8.17 million yen in 2009
WEB site
Recent activities
Since its establishment this foundation has actively pursued the following activities to promote the conservation of Thailand's forests, wildlife and natural environment:
  • (1) Using the forest of Western Thailand as a model has implemented collaborative activities between regional communities and stakeholders to preserve wildlife and forests.
  • (2) Activities to monitor threats to forests, wildlife and wilderness areas.
  • (3) Established a social support fund for forest rangers and supported the welfare of rangers.
  • (4) Developed a framework to raise awreness of and actively encourage participation in environmental protection activities.