
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Sendai University, Physical Education Department, Faculty of Sports Science Sports management Course, Outdoor Activities Research Group

Joint camp for children from the affected areas and those in the Metropolitan region. Ties and ties that connect

Activity grant

Project Description

The objective of this project is to have children from the affected areas recover their health and smiling faces, and to cultivate the vitality to confront recovery and restoration. Also to establish relationships of friendship whereby children from the Metropolitan region understand the affected regions, deepen their concern, and encourage the children from the affected region and supported one another. The aim is also that the ties obtained through the camp will become the driving force, and create relationships that support recovery and reconstruction in the future, and serve as a first step in establishing a sustainable society.

Grant year
FY2011 Activity Grants
Grant term
3 years and 6 months
April 2011 - September 2014
Grant amount
3,120,000 yen
Activity region
Kurihara City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Climbing a waterfall (shower climbing) at Shirasawa, nexte to the campsite

Overview of the Organization

Hozawa Gakuen. Taiji Hozawa, President Sendai University.
Hozawa Gakuen. Taiji Hozawa, President Sendai University.
Establishment purpose
Sendai University was established under the basic philosophy of creating human beings who are healthy in body and mind with tempered knowledge and skills to be able to be sufficiently active in society. The Faculty of Sports Science aims to develop human resources that are healthy in body and mind, capable of answering the various needs for the dissemination and promotion of physical education and sports. In particular, the Management Course that exists alongside the Coaching Course and Trainer Course maintains a curriculum designed to develop leaders in outdoor education and recreation.
Major areas of activity
Shibatagun, Miyagi Prefecture
168 full-time staff members
Annual operating budget
678,077 million yen in 2008, 653,711 million yen in 2009, 658,295 million yen in 2010
WEB site
Collaborating organizations
Children's Camp Research Association
Collaborating researchers
Hashiba Company, Representative Masataka Sato
Recent activities
The university curriculum is designed to have students acquire National Camping Association of Japan certified camp instructor and Camp Director Level Level2 (Management) qualifications by by taking lectures on camp practice and outdoor education. Practice at the outdoor educational institution is actively carried out. At the outdoor activities research group of the management course, practical learning is conducted, including study groups and training camps. As a graduation research effort, we engage in outdoor education, developing leaders with equipped with both theoretical and practical skills