
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Kiyoaki Ozaki Deputy Director General, Chief of Division of Avian Conservation and Senior Researcher, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology

Establish a system for s monitoring serious damage to birds from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Research grant

Project Description

It is our aim to establish in Japan, at as early a stage as possible, a system capable of accurate assessments of the risk faced by birds, and timely drawing out of necessary protection measures, and to implement monitoring of variations in bird population and the state of pollution. Research contents cover the three following matters: 1, Monitoring of bird population dynamics. Investigate variations in populations of various bird bred in Japan. 2, monitoring of the state of contamination of birds due to radioactive materials. Collect the dead bodies and eggs of birds throughout Japan, and investigate the state of contamination through radioactive substances and chemicals. And 3, to restore damaged bird specimens: In order to support Rikuzentakata City Museum that suffered catastrophic damage as a result of the tsunami, to restore damaged specimens.

Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem
Grant year
FY2011 Research Grants
Grant term
3 years
April 2011 - March 2014
Grant amount
19,690,000 yen
Activity region
Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Chiba, Niigata and Shizuoka Prefectures
Great reed warbler chick wearing leg band for bird population monitoring.

Overview of the Organization

Kiyoaki Ozaki, Deputy Director and Conservation Laboratory General Manager
Kiyoaki Ozaki, Deputy Director and Conservation Laboratory General Manager
Specialist field
Ornithological ecology and conservation ecology
Affiliated academic societies
The Ornithological Society of Japan, The Ecology Society of Japan, The Genetics Society of Japan
Joined the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology in 1976, and then from 2005~2009 became Chief of bird marking research group, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. In 2009, became Chief of avian conservation research group at same institution. In 2010 took the position of Chief of division of avian conservation, and in 2010 became Deputy Director General, Chief of Division of Avian Conservation, Senior Researcher, awarded Doctor of Science (Toho University) Engaged in bird marking studies, bird migration ecology using satellites, the reintroduction of breeding grounds in the Ogasawara islands for the albatross, conservation research related to rare species such as the Okinawan rail and the Japan Crested Ibis, and technology training for bird marking in Japan and the Asian nations.
WEB site
Collaborating researchers
The Institute for Bird Populations/President/David F. DeSante, Yasuyuki Shibata, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Mariko Kagiyama, Vertebrate Zoology Collection Manager, University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Ken Kumagai, Senior Curator, Rikuzentakata City Museum, Naoto Tomioka, Associate Professor, Okayama University of Science, Fumio Sato, Tomohiro Deguchi, Noboru Nakamura and Kyoko Iwami, researchers, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology
Research record
  • (1) Ozaki,K., Yamamoto,Y., Yamagishi,S. 2010. Genetic diversity and phylogeny of the endangered Okinawa Rail, Gallirallus okinawae. Genes & Genetic Systems, 85:55-63.
  • (2) Ozaki,K. 2009. Morphological differences of sex and age in the Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae. Ornithological Science. 8:117-124.
  • (3) Suryan,R., Dietrich.K., Melvin,E., Balogh,G., Sato,F., Ozaki,K. 2007. Migratory routes of short-tailed albatrosses. Biological Conservation. 137:450-460.
  • (4) The Declining Distribution of the Okinawa Rail Gallirallus okinawae, 2002, Kiyoaki Ozaki, Takao Baba, Shigemoto Komeda, Michio Kinjyo, Yutaka Toguch, and Tetsujiro Harato, Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 34:136-144.
  • (5) History of the extinction of the Japan Crested Ibis, Kiyoaki Ozaki, 1997 Science, 67:703-705.
    Contributing authors
    Encyclopedia of Wildlife Protection, 2010, Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd. The Protection of Japan's Wild Birds, 2009, Kyoto University Press. The Complete Work on Ornithology, 2008, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo. Birds and Mankind, 2006, NHK Publishing, Inc.