
The Mitsui & Co. Environment Fund

Introduction to Grant Projects

Chiba University, Graduate School of Engineering, Professor Akiko Okabe

A practical study on environmental improvement in high density areas of Jakarta

Research grant

Project Description

In an era in which the majority of the population are concentrated in urban centres, it is difficult to find a solution to improving the environment without finding a solution within the city. The key to social sustainability on a global scale is the location of the poor in the polarized and rapidly growing cities. The question is if we can we improve quality of life whilst maintaining a relatively low environmental impact. This research presents affluent next-generation urban living utilising Jakarta's highly density area as a practical field case study examined from both a natural science and social science standpoint.

Grant year
FY2013 Research Grants
Grant term
3 years
April 2014 - March 2017
Grant amount
10,000,000 yen
Activity region
Jakarta, Indonesia
An environmental improvement experiment conducted in 2013

Overview of the Organization

Professor Akiko Okabe
Professor Akiko Okabe
Specialist field
Architectural design, urban policy, regional planning
Affiliated academic societies
Architectural Institute of Japan, The City Planning Institute of Japan
Born in Tokyo, graduated from the University of Tokyo Department of Architecture. Following this, spent 10 years in Barcelona. Until 1987 worked at Isozaki Arata Atelier in Barcelona. Completed a Masters course in 1989 and became a first class architect in 1991. After returning to Japan, supervised Hori Architects from 1996. Besides architecture and design, research has continued on urban environmental policy at a European level. Joined the University of Tokyo as an assistant in 2003 and as an assistant professor since 2004. Graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2005 with a doctorate in environmental studies and is now a Professor at Chiba University since 2013.
Collaborating researchers
Tamaki Endo, (Saitama University, Department of Economics, Associate Professor) Norihisa Shimano (Toyo University Department of Regional Development Studies, Associate Professor) Ellisa Evawani (University of Indonesia, Department of Architecture, Lecturer), Tomohiko Amemiya, (Chiba University, Graduate School of Engineering)
Research record
<Practical projects>
  • Earth laboratory + Okabe laboratory, Chiba University (2011), "Chikini Project", SD Review 2013 Winner, Encouragement Award, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Nishizaki Convention + Okabe Laboratory (2009), "Thatch roof housing Gonzillo Project"
<Literary Works>
  • Barcelona - the history and culture of the Mediterranean city, Chuko Shinsho (2010)
  • Sustainable City - EU regional and environmental strategy, Gakugei Publishing, (2003)
  • "Euro Architects", Gakugei Publishing, (1998)
  • "Sustainable Cities" (Co-Authored) Yuichi Fukukawa, Hiroshi Yahagi, Akiko Okabe, Iwanami Shoten, (2005)
  • "In search of the city's renaissance - Cities as social common capital", (Co-Authored), Hirofumi Uzawa, Mitsuhiro Usui, Masanori Maeda, University of Tokyo Press, (2003)
  • Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities (Co-Authored): Jenks, M. and Dempsey, N. eds, Oxford: Architectural Press, 2005.