
Mitsui & Co., (Thailand) Ltd.

About Us


Social Contribution Activities

At Mitsui & Co. (Thailand) Ltd., alongside our business operations spanning diverse countries and regions, we uphold a strong commitment to actively contributing to the sustainable growth of both society and our own company.

Flagship projects

Doi Tung Development Project

This Royal project was established in 1988 under the Mae Fah Luang Foundation (MFLF) which was founded by the late Princess Mother Srinagarindra. The project aims to eliminate poverty and help residents to become self-sufficient by introducing cash crops, such as coffee and macadamia nuts. Mitsui Thailand initially participated as a finance provider for the activities in 1989. We have been collaborating with MFLF on various projects ever since.

Mr. Kiyomine, former Mitsui Thai president, had an audience with Her Majesty Princess Mother Srinagarindra

The commemoration of Her Majesty Princess
Mother's birthday anniversary on October 21, 2023

Doi Tung Product

Periodic staff visit to Doi Tung at Chiang Rai

Mitsui Library Project

Mitsui Library Project

Since 2006, Mitsui & Co., (Thailand) Ltd. has been engaged in the ‘School Library Donation Project’ for the 100th anniversary since the former Mitsui started operating in Thailand. As part of this project, we proudly supported the establishment of libraries for 20 primary schools across the country. Through this initiative, we aspire to make a lasting positive impact on the communities we serve, fostering a brighter future for the next generation.