Mitsui & Co. Benelux S. A./N. V.
Recommended PC Environment
Recommended Browser
- When using Windows.
- Microsoft Edge latest version
- Mozilla Firefox latest version
- Google Chrome latest version
- When using Macintosh (Mac OS X)
- Safari latest version
- Mozilla Firefox latest version
- Google Chrome latest version
* Without the recommended environment, it may not be possible to use all features of the website.
* Please understand that even when the recommended environment is in place, users' browser settings and other settings may prevent correct viewing.
Plug-in Software and Helper Application
This website uses the following plug-in software and helper applications. We recommend that you install the latest plug-ins and helper applications in order to make full use of the website content.
JavaScript is used to make the website easier to use and more convenient. We recommend that you enable JavaScript in your browser settings to allow easier use of all functions and content.
CSS (Style Sheets)
The website uses CSS (style sheets) to control screen displays. We recommend that you enable CSS (style sheets) on your browser settings to allow easier viewing of all functions and content.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
For handling users' personal information for certain services offered on the website, such as inquiry forms, we have improved security levels by using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypted communication functions to protect users' personal information.