
Creating added value unique to Mitsui & Co. in every industry and business field by capturing trends in global ICT.

Business fields

Digital Solutions
IT services, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure
B2C Platform
Video commerce, digital media, BtoC platform
BPO, digital marketing
Innovative Business
Healthcare DX, digital services

Transforming business through digital technology (01:00)

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Major activities

Data-driven business

As society continues to digitalize, there is a growing focus on the value of data and an increasing array of tools available to collect, communicate and share information. Vast quantities of data are being generated through people's daily lives. Our aim is to make effective use of this data to grow business and reach consumers, for example by enhancing our existing operations in TV shopping and contact centers and developing marketing support business.

In industrial fields such as healthcare and drug discovery, we aim to improve medical quality and convenience as well as streamline the development of new drugs by maximizing the use of ICT technologies like AI and big data.

Adding value unique to Mitsui as a Sogo Shosha through ICT

DX is required in every industry. Because Sogo Shosha are operating across multiple industries, we have many opportunities to identify needs and issues for realizing DX in each industry. Using our unique capabilities as a Sogo Shosha, we are working to create new value and business opportunities by combining the industrial and business knowledge of other business units with the ICT knowledge of our business unit.

Key projects

  • IT service (Japan)
  • Cybersecurity (Japan)
  • Contact center(Japan, Asia)
  • TV shopping (Japan, India)
  • Broadcasting (Japan)


  • TV shopping business (01:51)

    Invested in Naaptol Online Shopping in India and supports its product development, program shooting and building logistics networks